Chapter Twelve

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*Levi's Pov*

I groaned loudly, falling on the bed, and stretching my body everywhere.

“I'm changing, don't look.” I heard Xan say.

I opened my eyes and propped myself up on my elbows, staring right at him. His back is facing me, so I get to check him out.

He has a nice butt. His back is muscular, but not too much. He's sweaty too, making him look HAWT.

I whistled at him. What? I'm a natural flirt! The only reason I was nervous is because of my fight with Henry and I thought I would die of starvation, or something.

He turned around quickly and I smirked. “Yes?” I asked, innocently.

He already put on some plain black boxer briefs. He tugged on a plain black t-shirt too. He has allot of black clothing.

“You should probably change out of that, you've been wearing the same clothes since yesterday.” he told me, pulling on some BLACK jeans. Okay, nevermind, practically everything he has is either anime-related, music-related, or black. Damn teenager.

I groaned, falling back on the bed. “I'm too lazy. Plus, what's wrong with what I'm wearing?”

“U-uh nothing! It's just you've been wearing it for a while and- and... well I can see...” he started to whisper and mumble at the end.

“Can't hear you!”

He sighed, “You, well, feel the uh same way as me...”

I raised an eyebrow, “What are you-” I looked down at my body and saw I had a boner. “Fuck!” I grabbed a pillow and put it over my crotch.

I could feel the heat rushing to my face, going all the way up to my ears.

Xan laughed, “You're so cute!”

Since he had like four pillows on his bed, I threw one at him. He caught it... Well, I'm not going to throw it with my strength. That'd kill him!

I looked him up and down and smirked. “Well, I wouldn't be talking! You're in the same situation as me!” My voice was a little high pitch but who cares?

He walked to the edge of the bed, where my legs were hanging off. Taking a step closer, he stood in between my legs.


He didn't answer. He slowly lowered himself on top of me, my legs wrapping around his waist.

Don't do this, Leviathan. You'll bite him. You didn't drink real human blood, you drank some mixture. You might still be thirsty. What if you bite him? Then what?

I ignored my reasonable thinking. I'm not thirsty now. And this is happening. Right here. Right now. Not later, when I MIGHT be thirsty.

“Levi...” he whispered, still on top of me.

As his head went lower, I went higher.

Our lips met halfway. The kiss was slow, gentle, but still passionate. It wasn't rough, like our last one.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Slowly lowering himself to lay next to me, I wrapped my legs around his waist.

Somehow we switched positions. I was on top and he was laying on the bed. Straddling him, the kiss got more heated. How could it not? With two guys with boners, it's kinda hard to have gentle kisses.

He grabbed my butt and squeezed, causing me to gasp. He took this chance to slip his tongue into my mouth. With his tongue in my mouth and his hand still on my butt, I moaned. It wasn't too loud (Thank God) but it was loud enough to make Xan moan too.

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