Chapter Twenty Two

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*Levi's Pov*
"I'm sorry that I called you so early..." I looked down at the concrete pavement at my feet.

"You mean late? It's 2 in the morning; I don't think that's early." Phoenix told me as we walked to his car. Surprisingly, it was cold outside.

Without any conversation or music, the two of us headed for the Meave Residence. During the drive to the woods, however, we both noticed broken trees all over the place.

"Uh, what happened while I was gone?" I asked Phoenix, looking at him from the back seat.

He looked back at me. "Alex happened."

Without a word, I reached to open the car door.

"What do you think you're doing!?" I heard Phoenix shout at me.

"He's my mate, he can't hurt me!" I hollered back at him. I felt something grip my arm and quickly turned around to face Phoenix and glared at him.

"That's not how it works." he said through gritted teeth, his grip tightening on my wrist. "Trust me on this."

My glare went away and I looked back at him, a confused look on my face. Then it clicked and my eyes widened. "Y-you attacked Jake?" it came out as a question, but we both knew that I was telling him.

His grip loosened. "The bond doesn't stop you from hurting him, and him hurting you. Trust me, you think Jake and I got along in the beginning? He hated what he became and he hated me because I didn't."

I nodded, but I still pulled away from him. "I'm sorry that things didn't work out for you and Jake in the beginning, I really am, but now it's time you trust me. I'm not as weak as you think I am and if, and this is a big if, Xan were to hurt me, I can handle myself."

With that, I walked away and started to search for a crazed Xan. This didn't be too hard, he's a white wolf that breaking trees.


I was so wrong. This is harder than I thought and Xan looks pretty mad.

Walking past a tree line, I came to a clearing. Here, I found Xan growling and attacking another White wolf, another Alpha. Hydra and Ezra were trying to calm them both down. Don't tell me... Are the ones fighting, Xan and Chester? Why is that Daddy's Boy fighting with his father?

I walked over to them, then started to run. "Alexander!" I shouted.

Feeling like everyone froze and started to stare at me, I became nervous. I decided not to let that show though, and continued walking towards Xan. But I began running when I got closer and Xan's wolf also ran towards me.

Once we met, he halted in front of me and I did too. "Hey, Xan. Are you okay?"

His wolf began to growl at me.

The bond doesn't stop you from hurting him, and him hurting you.

Phoenix's words ran through my head, but I forced them to go away. Xan wouldn't.

But... This isn't Xan.

I looked up to the white wolf that stood before me. Reaching my hand up, I maintained eye contact with the wolf.

"Xan, come back to me. I'm here now." I told him. Slowly walking closer, my hand rested on the top of the wolf's head.


"Are you crazy!? You can't just leave your mate like that!" Hydra yelled at me. She's been chewing me out every since Xan turned back and she sent him to his room. Are all Mom's like this?

"I know, Hydra, what I did was stupid..."

No way in hell was I going to tell Hydra (or anyone really) about my sex life.

She crossed her arms and scowled at me, something she's been doing allot lately. "What were you thinking!? Without even telling Alexander, you just pick up and leave! With a way on the brink of breaking out, you could've been kidnapped!"

How could I possibly get kidnapped? I'm a vampire and I seriously doubt some werewolf could kidnap me.

"Well I wasn't thinking and I'm here now, so everything's fine!" I got up and didn't look back. Mainly because I could feel Hydra's glare on my back and I knew she wanted to kill me. Well too bad, Hydra, I'm the future Luna of your future pack. Thank god I have until Xan's 18th birthday, it'd suck if I had to take care of werewolf business when I'm still trying to figure my own shit out.

On my way to my bedroom, I walked passed Xan's bedroom door. I saw Victoria helping Xan with some wounds that were on his shoulders. I don't know why, but I hated the way she touched him. I know she doesn't even like men, but still. Seeing someone you care about being touched by another person fucking sucks.

I went inside my room and sat on the bed, just staring at the floor boards. Closing my eyes, I heard something lightly tap the floor. I ignored it. Until it happened again. When I opened my eyes, I noticed my vision was blurry and I saw water droplets on the floor on front of me. I leaned low enough to where my chest rested on my legs. Crossing my arms, I squeezed my shoulders tightly. Feeling a sob rising in my chest, I quickly put my hands over my mouth.

I hate crying. It's just another reminder that I'm not like Xenos and that I'm also not like Xan. And yet another reminder that Henry had to fucking comfort me during my days, no, my decades when I couldn't get over Xenos. Even now, I love that monster when I know I shouldn't.

I jolted awake, not sure of my surroundings.


Needing something, I clawed at my throat.

"Aye now, don't hurt yourself." I quickly looked over to see a man. He had white hair, but I could tell it wasn't from age. He naturally had white hair. His eyes, dear god, his eyes. They were a beautiful shade of brown with a red tint swirling in them. And that damn smirk he wore on his face...

He kneeled down to where I was writhing in pain and lifted up his wrist to my mouth. "Drink..."

I didn't hesitate and I bit down on his wrist. Hard. I felt bone against my teeth, but that didn't stop me.

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