A/N 2

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So... This is for me and my sucky memory. I'll be saying what characters look like and stuff. Remember! You can ask any question (I'll try my best not to spoil) on the Author's Notes!

Leviathan: Pale (because what vampire isn't pale), blue-black hair, and reddish brown eyes. 5 feet and 5 inches tall or, I think, 1.65 meters.

Alexander: Not that tan but darker than Levi, Brown hair, blue eyes. (I don't think I've said what colour his eyes are, so if they're not blue, oops).

So that was written on December 7th.

Allot has happened since than.

Like this story is being put on hold soon.

There's only 1 more chapter after this and 1 uncompleted chapter after that (which I will not be posting because it's not finished.)

I'm really sorry it's just I lost inspiration for this story. I know how it'll end, but I don't know how to get there. I've lost inspiration for writing stories and I only have three things to blame.

I'm passionate about something else, which is filming, and writing a story and filming are very different.

Depression. I'm not going to go into detail, but I did attempt suicide in November 2017. Also, I don't know the password to this account, meaning I can't change the name. I think I made this username three years ago, long before I came to the realization that I am transgender. I am a guy, and that damn username bothers me.

Finally, me. I have no one else to blame but me for this. This story had so much potential in the beginning, when I knew the entire story like the back of my hand and was actually doing a decent job at getting there.

I'm really sorry about this, but I will try to update some chapters. It's just, a while ago, I would update once a week. After the next chapter though, I don't know when I will update. It could be in a week. Or a month. Hell, even a year. I don't know!

You're my Mate?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ