Chapter Eighteen

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*Levi's Pov*

I jolted in a bed, headbutting someone when I did.

“Ow!” we yelped in unison. I rubbed my head and looked to see a boy, rubbing his head too. He had to be in his early 20's or late teens.

He had the lightest shade of grey eyes and pitch black hair. A strand of his hair was blessed white though. He was wearing a a school uniform. The uniform belonged to some expensive private school, but I don't know the name of it.

“Oh... you're awake. Well, I didn't expect you to wake up so soon,” he said in a very high pitch voice. Wow, and I thought I was the ultimate power bottom. I probably shouldn't assume he's gay though...

I sighed, laying back down. “So, who are you and what happened?”

He smirked. “I'm surprised you didn't ask what I am, Leviathan.”

My eyes widened but I just acted like I want affected by it. “It's just Levi. Levi Price. But, okay, what are you?”

“Well, I was once an Elfen Witch but now I'm a werewolf.” he paused to move his bleached strand of hair behind his ears, which were revealed to have points at the end. Half elf, half witch, eh? “I've been a werewolf for a long time, so I got the shifting and stuff under control but I got the witch thing controlled at birth. I'm half healing witch and half warrior elf. Heh, not the best combination but hey! If I wasn't a healer, Alex wouldn't have called me.”

I sat up at the mention of Xan. “Where is he?”

“Passed out. He tried staying awake last night, but couldn't. Now, for who I am,” He extended his hand to me. “I'm Jake Margot, Nix's mate and husband.”

I laughed. “Wait! Wait! Phoenix's last name is Margot!?” I laughed even harder.

Jake stared at me, unamused. “No, my last name is Margot. Nix has my last name when we got married though, so it doesn't really matter who had it first.”

My laughing stopped and I stared at me before my eyes widened. “Oh my god! I didn't-”

He bursted into laughter, practically screaming. That's... Quite a laugh. “Relax, dude! I'm just messing around!” his loud laughter died down and he cleared his throat. He grabbed a slushie from the bedstand that was next to me and slurped it. He took the straw out of his mouth with a pop. I raised my eyebrow at him.

“Anyway, what are you, Leviathan?” he asked.

I coughed. “It's Levi, just Levi.”

He shook his head. “The Vampire chick, what's her name... Ellie... Emma... OH!” he snapped his fingers. “SASHA!”

I raised my eyebrow. “Ezra..?”

He rolled his eyes. “Same difference.” he paused. “Anyway, I think Alex would want to see you. He's been asleep for about 6 hours,” with that he stood up and stretched.

“Wait, but what was wrong with me?” I remember hearing all those voices, even Xans. I remember... I told Ezra to bite me.

“Well... I didn't tell the others, because I thought they'd freak out more than they already are, but someone did this to you. I wouldn't say a witch, a wizard, or even a warlock, did this because they left... an aura around you. Full Bloods don't do that. Only Half Bloods, like me, do.” he paused to see if I was still listening. I gave a slight nod and he continued. “Besides someone doing this, I uh... I was able to undo whatever they did to you. Now, for real, you should go see Alex.” He stood up and gestured to the door.

I eyed it before I got up from the bed and started my way to the door. Looking around, I took in where I was. Directly in the of the door, was the room I was in. To the left of the door was a bathroom, to the right was a kitchen. It was basically a one room house, but it felt... Homey? Although it was ridiculously small, I could tell Jake and Phoenix were probably happy here. Well, with them being mates, I'm sure they love each other.

Wouldn't that mean you and Xan love each other?

No, it wouldn't. Now shut up, reasonable thinking.

Making my way out, I had to squint my eyes when I took my first step. I looked down, to avoid the sunlight. Noticing there was a little rock path to lead to the main house (where Xan was sleeping) and I wasn't wearing the clothes I thought I was wearing to go to work, I started to walk to the main house.

I went in through the back door (because I was too lazy to go around to the front) and made my way up the stairs.

Coming up to Xan's door, I didn't bother to knock. He's asleep so what's the problem? Opening up the door, I saw Xan laying in his bed, a blush on his face and him squirming in his sleep. Does he have a fever!?

I ran to Xan's bedside. “Xan, what's wrong!? Are you si-” I went to touch Xan's forehead, but once my palm barely touched him, I felt really hot all of a sudden. I fell on the floor, panting. Shit, what's wrong with me?

Xan's eyes shot open and he reached to grab me. I reacted immediately and jumped on his bed, landing on top of him. What's going on? I... I can't control myself...

He switched our positions, him on top of me. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I put my hands to the back of his neck, pulling him closer.

I wanted him to just kiss me but instead he slowly lowered his head to mine. He turned my neck to the side. I expected him to kiss my neck, but instead he laid a tender kiss on my check. I froze and stared up at him, feeling the tears in my eyes. “Xan,” I whispered to him.

This... This feeling. It feels perfect. I... I think I want to stay with Xan. I want to be with him. But why am I thinking this way? It's barely Wednesday and I met Xan on Friday, I've known him for five days.

But I want to be with him... And what could possibly go wrong?

You're my Mate?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ