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We're all going through a lot of different things. Family problem, Financial problem, Friend problems, and Love problems.

What will you do if in just one snap of a finger those problems comes right to you like a strike of thunder. What will you do? How will you face it? The real question is CAN YOU FACE IT??

There's nothing wrong with the person who's in love.

"LOVE CONQUERS ALL" some say but they all end up giving up anyways. At first I really think it was difficult and ridiculous but I honestly I didn't expect it myself! It really does conquers all. Love can make you anything literally anything for the person you love.

Remember this that no matter how difficult, hard and unfair life is. Don't give up, remeber to hold on and why you hold on in the first place.

We will fight and continue to hold onto the love that have made us strong through out the years I will continue to fight and I won't give up on us, as long as we're going to do this together. I will fight for you, for our love.

It really doesn't matter on how long this fuss about to end, the only thing that matters to me is knowing that I will not be alone with this battle but instead, I will be facing all of this challenges with the love of my life, YOU.

In every thing, in every challenges always have someone to hold on to. Always and always choose him!

These words keeps on repeating on my mind. His words that makes me hold onto our memories and to not give up.
"It's okay, I'm okay. I did this because remember I already told you, I love you. I will do everything for you. I know that I have no right to be with you but I love you and I know that we can get through this. We can do this. I love you. " -KEN

\\we can do this TOGETHER!\\

.....I sure hope so.....


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