
403 17 15

(Two hours later; 3:00pm)

Emre Mor: Wait...I'm in a group chat with the Robert Lewandowski?!

Felix Passlack: I guess so 😶.

Shinji Kagawa: Yeah...a lot happened I take it.

Roman Bürki: Oh pleaseee, he isn't that impressive.

Christian Pulisic: Roman is just salty because Robert always scores goals on him.

Robert Lewandowski: Wow I can tell I'm loved here.

Roman Bürki: I have no respect for you 🙄

Matthias Ginter: Stfu Christian.

Christian Pulisic: I wasn't even saying anything to you Matthias.

Matthias Ginter: Every time you text I can hear your voice when I read it, and it's realllly starting to annoy the hell out of me.

Emre Mor: Guys, please.

Auba: Oh boy here we go again.


Roman Bürki: We already went over this Julian...

Robert Lewandowski: I'm Pretty sure Matthias and Christian need couples therapy, not my help.

Julian Weigl: 😂😂

Emre Mor: LMAO

Shinji Kagawa: 😂😂

Matthias Ginter: 🖕🖕🖕

Marco Reus: This is why I miss having you on our team ^^

Robert Lewandowski: Don't get used to it Marco.

Mario Gotze: ROBERT!😄

Robert Lewandowski: Hey Mario.

Felix Passlack: Wow. Obviously this isn't helping one bit.

Marc Bartra: Stealing the show Robert?

Robert Lewandowski: Still complaining Marc?

Marco Reus sent a picture.
Hey, Robert guess what ⤵

Robert Lewandowski: And I care why?

Matthias Ginter: Yeah that was fun.

Christian Pulisic: I think this is the first time Matthias has says something that isn't mean.

Robert Lewandowski: You just won a summer competition, not the World Cup.


Marco Reus: Thanks Emre.

Robert Lewandowski: Right. A sign.

Roman Bürki: Why are you still here Robert.

Matthias Ginter: Yeah Christian, why are you still here.

Roman Bürki: I'm talking about Robert not Christian, Matthias. 🙄

Robert Lewandowski: I guess this club really did fall apart after I left.

Auba: Not helping Robert.

Robert Lewandowski: You were the one who added me to this.

Julian Weigl: Christian and Matthais are still fighting.

Matthias Ginter: 🖕🖕🖕

Mario Gotze: So you're saying we need a new idea?

Auba: Exactly. And I have one in mind. But we need everyone on board.


I'll update when I can, thanks.

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