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Auba: Ok. So, I'm going to create a new group chat with everyone EXCEPT Matthias and Christian.

Roman Bürki: Even Robert?

Auba: Yes, even Robert.

Christian Pulisic: And why are you leaving me out of that conversation exactly?

Auba: I'm just going to make plans with the other guys Christian, it'll be quick. You two would probably argue the whole time anyways.

Robert Lewandowski: *You mean Flirt* 😘

Matthais Ginter: I don't want to be alone here with Christian.🙄

Auba: I don't care.


(Auba created a new Group Chat)

Auba: K so here's the plan.

Felix Passlack: Since when do you say "K"? 😂😂

Erik Durm: Felix. Focus.

Felix Passlack: Right, sorry.

Robert Lewandowski: Please tell me that plan is to just delete that chat?

Marc Bartra: C'mon, you know Auba better than that Robert.

Auba: Just let me tell you the plan guys!

Sven Bender: I can tell this is going to be fun.

Emre Mor: ^

Auba: So, I was thinking...

Robert Lewandowski: Great, you can finally think. Congrats. 👏

Roman Bürki: Stfu Robert.


Emre Mor: YES!


Erik Durm: Alright, we'll listen.

Auba: Ok. So obviously I didn't just make this group chat just so we could make plans.

Marco Reus: You made this because you want to help Christian and Matthais!

Mario Götze: Duh Marco. 🙄

Auba: Anyways, I was planning to pick out a date when we could all go on vacation AS A TEAM.

Roman Bürki: Again, what does Robert have to do with this?

Auba: Well, I thought he could fix Christian and Matthias's relationship, I guess it didn't work really, But you're still welcome to join us Robert.

Roman Bürki: Are you serious?!

Robert Lewandowski: Sure. I'd be nice to see some of you guys again.🙂

Marco Reus: Hell yeah, a vacation sounds great!

Marc Bartra: Where were you thinking of going?

Auba: I don't know yet, but for sure somewhere tropical.

Erik Durm: Sun? Beaches? Food? I'm in! 😍😍

Emre Mor: Me too!

Roman Bürki: Does Robert really have to come?

Auba: If he wants to.

Robert Lewandowski: See you in paradise Roman.😉😉

Mario Götze: The last thing I need is more vacation time, but I'll go for Christian and Matthias.

Auba: Sounds like everyone's in?

Felix Passlack: Yep, we should go tell the others.

Auba: Ok, when we tell Christian and Matthias the plan, just don't mention anything about fixing their relationship k?

Sven Bender: We're not dumb Auba.🙄

Auba: I know, I know, but sometimes you guys are a little...

Auba: Forgetful, that's all.

Marc Bartra: That's putting it nicely.

Erik Durm: I'll go tell the other boys who aren't here about it. Ousmane is going to flipp!

Marco Reus: Don't forget about Andre, he'll drop everything to take this trip.

Auba: Noted.

Emre Mor: Thanks for being the Team Dad Auba!

Auba: Don't call me that Emre.

Erik Durm: Let's go tell Christian and Matthias!

Auba: Well, here goes nothing...


A vacation to someplace tropical with the whole team? All to fix Christian and Matthias's relationship? I wonder what could go wrong? 😉😉

Sounds like Auba has all this planned out! Can the team really fix their relationship though? After all, the tropics can get a little distracting.

Dortmund Group Chat Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora