Chaoter 4 | Hurt, Out of Breath or in trouble...

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???'s POV
Eda is one of the most well-known elements, one that keeps us alive. The air provides oxygen for us and wind cool us down. If we loose Eda, we loose our way to live, we loose our oxygen that helps us to breathe. I know that Akyo is also has a big part when it comes to the oxygen in the air, she provides it through trees but Eda helps to spread it. More and more people are dying because they can't get the oxygen they need, this really only seems to happen in cities where there are no trees.

Eda is also my friend and I can't loose her, she is like the family that I never had. The same thing applies to the other elements, some of us didn't have family growing up and now we have each other to keep us company....

You probably want to know who I am, eh? Well, my name is Javoura, I am 27 years old and I am known as The Man In Black. That's all they ever called me....
But I'm off topic! We need to help Eda and that is final. I know the other girls are already on their way to her location right now I uploaded a map into their minds which showed the four corners of the earth, one was circled. Then I gave each of them the town that she is in, they will meet up and find her. However, Akyo has the furthest to travel, so she is making her was to me then I will take her to the town.

Mystery Person's POV
He's helping them... It's not much of a surprise considering the fact that he grew up with Eda and Kyro, then met Akyo later on. But he needs to stop.. He is getting on my nerves.

All Eda says is, "He'll save me, I know he will." I always question who HE is. It turns out that HE is Javoura Lee Amano, a man of great power of which equals mine..... My fight with him is going to be very fun... Mwahaha, mwahahahahaha!

Akyo's POV
I am heading towards my teacher, he says he has a quick way of getting there. I am making my way to him, then he will use his power to get me over to the others.
I really hope Eda is okay... We heard her, she sounded like she was... in pain... I really want to help but there isn't much we can do for her at this moment in time.

Huh?! Telepathy!

"Do you read me, this is Kyro, I repeat, do you read me?!" She is trying to get to us.. "If you can hear me, please reply!"
"I can hear you! What do you need? Oh! This is Akyo!"
"This is Javoura. What is going on Kyro?"
"*cough* This *cough* is Miko..... I... can huh! Hear... you... *cough*"

Hey Guys! I'm back!
I'm currently on a schedule of every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I will upload. Just to let you know I may not upload this Saturday because I am going to my friend's house! I hope you like this chapter, if you did then make sure to vote and comment, and if you haven't already make sure to follow me!

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