Chapter 5 | Dawn or Death

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Miko's POV
I was heading towards the location on the map that Javoura sent us when I got ambushed by a pack of wolves. They were albinos, they live in the snow. I was so close to Eda's location, it was said that these wolves were friendly and only attack when told to, I have reason to believe that Huno Juka did this. He doesn't want us trying to come and rescue Eda, Huno Juka is the king of Tu'La also Eda's kidnapper! He is a man with blonde hair and pink-ish eyes, he is also a meif'wa aka a person with cat features!

However, the wolves did more damage than expected... I hadn't wanted to hurt them seeing as Akyo would be mad at me for harming her creations so they hurt me. I have many large wounds and can't move or talk very easily considering the immense pain that I cannot control, I am a healer and not even I can heal these wounds!

Eda's POV
"You.. Wh..y......?" I said, or at least, I think I said. My words are so scrambled that even I can barely understand them.. "There is no reason to be confused, scared, sad or even angry. You should be happy!" He replied, this made me VERY angry. I should be happy, HA! Never; never in his hands.
"!" I barely managed to get that out of my mouth. I could feel that something was off. If Javoura and the other 3 elements were headed toward me then why can I only feel 3 entities and magics coming towards my location? One of them must be in trouble and it's because of him!
"Oh hunny, you know why you should be happy. You're in the presence of someone who loves you and a king at that! Oh I didn't mention, I'm sorry for cutting off your power and lack of air.... You see it's for your own safety. You have 4 people out to take you away from me, or rather...3 people out to find you.. Mwahaha" Wait! I was right, one of them is missing. I suddenly got the air to talk properly for a few seconds so I took it.
I question with anger and rage in my cracking voice.
"Oh well, it was Miko. For as much as I don't want to harm them. I can't fight them all, it's simply too much for me! The one person who I will allow to come here and fight me is the only man in your group...."
Oh no... He wants to rival Javoura!
"JAVOURA!" My power kicked in and I managed to break into the recently opened telepathy passage between Javoura, Miko, Kyro and Akyo. I heard multiple gasps and my name being yelled by both Kyro and Akyo. Javoura and Miko didn't speak... then I heard the cackle signaling that the line was breaking apart but no. The line was fine, we heard someone speak.. it was a man with a gentle and soothing yet anger filled voice..

???'s POV
"It's been a long time and I'm back! How interesting, I get too hear so many beautiful ladies voices... and.... Yours... Javoura. Y'know I really dislike you, you seem to be all over these girls and you don't care how I feel about them! Why is that?" I question with rage and calmness in my voice. I tried not to scare the ladies but intimidate him..

Javoura's POV
...Huno Juka... This isn't good for any of us..

Miko's POV
Grr... It's him.. the man who sicked his dogs on me!

Akyo's POV
I can tell my teacher seems to be angry although he hasn't spoke yet. I only know this because when he stays quiet he tries to hold in the monster that lays deep inside of him entangling his heart and making it less loving. It's not his fault but I wish it would go away...

Kyro's POV
It's the crazed man who is obsessed with us. I know he isn't a bad guy but him being a King means he is looking for a Queen. He thinks one of us would just give in and love him. Well sorry buddy! 'Cause none of us like you in that way!

Huno's POV
"King Huno Juka.." the luscious voice of a maiden spoke. It was Kyro, the Fire maiden. I chuckle,
"Oh, it has been too long my dear."
"Your dear, I beg your pardon. I'm sorry but I'm taken bud!"
"I don't care, a king does what he wants and when he wants a lady to marry him, it happens even if she is already married to another man." I speak the words of truth as I talk to Kyro. I almost forgot about Eda who somehow isn't in the chair I put her in...
"WHAT THE?!" I yell through the telepathy.

Eda's POV
When Huno had his back turned on me, I managed to gather enough magical power to break the ropes around me silently and run. Unfortunately, I didn't get very far before he turned around again. I had to be slow considering the fact that he was right there and would catch me if I made a sound!

I was half way up the stairs that connect his basement and huge dining room that lay beyond the castle when he noticed. I sped up not caring how much noise I make now, he already new that I was running.

Huno's POV (A lot of POV switching, sorry!)
DAMN IT! She is getting away, any of my lower ranked guards would just be taken out instantly if I told them to go after her so I got my 3 strongest guards to do their job.

???'s POV
I know her from somewhere... That's it! She is one of the four elements along with my younger sister Miko! Oh, uh, my name is Niko!

???'s POV
We have a runner, Niko began to slow down as if to say we should let her go. I don't know who she is or why the king wants her but we have to obey him. The name's Janus!

???'s POV
Hmm... This is interesting, I feel like I've seen her before! She is Eda, one of the four elements. Looks like Niko noticed too cuz he started to slow down the second we were out of sight of the king. Janus didn't care and continued running! We had to let her go! Oh, my name is Lira!

Hey Guys. This chapter is over a thousand words! It took me so long to complete it! Sorry for not updating I've slept a lot through the day and my friends text a lot so I have to read through about 500-1000 messages a day! Baiii

The Four Elements | OC Story | DISCONTINUEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora