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  I walked out the restaurant and checked my watch, it was 5:30 pm.

Wow time does fly when ur not paying attention to it. Well I think I'm gonna go home now, hopefully mom is sleeping.

I got home and sneaked in my moms room only to see that she is kissing another man.

WHAT THE HELL. I mean I want her to be happy but I miss dad so much. Anyway time to make my presence known.

"Ehem." I said not even hiding my irritation.

She jumped back, stepping on the man's foot. He grunt in pain. Poor man and she is wearing heals too.

"Ummm, hey honey. How long have you been there." My dear mother said.

Hmmmm, long enough to see everything but then again I can always play the fool and see what she does. Hmmmmm, choices oh choices. Let's play the fool!! Yay!!

"I just got here actually, I was hungry so I made my self a sandwich then I was eating too fast so I coughed." I said trying to sound believable.

"Well" She checked her watch "It is now 6:45pm so you are 15 minutes before ur deadline. Very good." She said in a stern voice.

Looks like she isn't gonna tell me who he is so I'll just ask "Who is that man mum."

She turned pale then looked at the mysterious man. He nodded and she took a deep breath and said "He's my boyfriend. Melody meet Jordan. I was not planning for you two to meet like this, I intended for you two to go to dinner and then I would tell you the two big news."

This is really a big news but she said two so what's the other.

"Since we met in here might as well just tell me the second big news." I said

"Umm, you see, Jordan and I are getting married next month. I know I should have told you this but I just couldn't." Her voice sounded apologetic.

But I don't care. She should have told me this before but nooo she "couldn't"  and now their getting married just great. NOT! ARGH!!

"Um, I gotta go, see you later mum and Jordan." I said in a pissed of tone.

When I'm frustrated and need peace I normally just sit on my balcony and stare at the moon so that's exactly where I went.

After a while I felt at peace and could think clearly so now I needed to decide if I should go to Primasa High School. But I actually made up my mind when I saw mom kissing Jordan so it's a yes.

Now that I think about it, going to a magical high school may not be so bad. I mean, studying magic until I graduate may not be so bad for real but this time I'm going to be more sociable with people.

YEAH I CAN'T WAIT!! Maybe I should change my hairstyle while I'm at it too.

I can't wait to tell Trish yes. I heard a knock on my door.

Leave me alone please!!

ARGH!! "Yes mom" how I knew it was mom, I have no idea.

"Mel, open the door."says my dearest mother.

"I can't I'm naked." I lied." Can we talk in the morning if your not going to work on Sunday again."

"Okay." I heard her footsteps going down the stairs.

I breathed a sigh of relief but now I'm gonna have to deal with that in the morning.

I feel tired and my bed is calling my name. Night god.


Authors note

Hey guys! The 4th chapter, wow, anyways don't be a silent reader. I know the chapters are short but bear with me because I'm still new to this. Bye.

Xoxo-nila out ✌

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