Chapter 14

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Wes met Shayla and I at the restaurant with the boys at eight. Wes smiled and kissed me gently on the cheek as I slid into the booth next to him. I watched Shayla as she flirted mindlessly with Drew. It was like it was second nature for them. I sighed and apparently it was loud because all eyes were on me.

"We have something to tell you guys." Wes said squeezing my leg gently.

"Actually I want to go first." I said looking at only Wes. Of course he looked flawless. Why couldn't he just look bad this one time? It would make things so much easier. He wasn't like Dylan. He could get any girl he wanted, and I'd never come close to comparing.

"What's wrong?" He asked me softly.

"Everyone I'm done pretending Wes and I are dating. Since everything was fake we can just move on with life." I said glancing away from Wes's eyes to my napkin.

"Excuse us a second." Wes said shoving me out of the booth and dragging me to the hall by the bathrooms to talk in private. "What in the hell was that?" He asked. "Was that your way of dumping me and why are you ignoring my calls, I texted you thirty times last night."

"Wes we have to break up. I can't do this." I said softly and looking at my feet.

"Look at me." He lifted my chin so I was looking up at him. "What is wrong? Did I do something to piss you off or what?"

"You don't have to hide anything anymore Wes." I sighed. I took my phone out and looked up the images that were now on they magazines website and handed it to him. "You obviously still love her, and I won't play the role of second choice. Just do what makes you happy and stay away from me." I said.

He looked dumbfounded at the picture and slid his eyes back to mine. "I can't do that." He shook his head. "I can't do it because being with you is what makes me happy."

"You're not smooth talking your way out of this." I shook my head.

"It's not even what it looks like. I met her down there and told her I wasn't hanging out with her because I couldn't compromise my relationship with you." He handed my phone back.

"Wes when I tell someone I don't want to hang out with them, people don't get pictures of my hand on their ass." I said simply. "I'm not doing this so please just stop okay."

"You've got it all wrong." He said but I cut him off.

"Wes let it go!" I snapped nearing tears. "I'm going back to the table, and I'm not changing my mind."

"I'll get you back you know." He said walking next to me. "I don't know what I'll do yet, but I'm getting you back."

"I doubt it." I said under my breath.

We rejoined the table and everyone was looking at us. "She was confused." Wes smiled covering his lap with a napkin. "We're still faking."

"Yeah, faking." I added. If the boy wants o fake date me then whatever, but I'm done with him. He's doing it all on his own.

Dinner was awkward for me as Wes continued to act like nothing was wrong. I could tell Shayla knew something was wrong. She kept giving me side glances and then looking at Wes. I could see her connecting the dots in her head. After we all finished eating Wes asked if we could talk and I said no. I led Shayla to our car outside and got in. As soon as she started driving I burst into tears.

"You were actually dating weren't you?" She asked as the light bulb clicked in her head. I just nodded as I cried. "Oh Brianna what'd he do?"

"He went to the pier with Carly." I sobbed. "He didn't even tell me. I had to find out about it from the media."

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