Chapter 23

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A/N: Just and FYI this chapter is kinda sexual soo if you're not into that you might not want to read it... So yeah. Anyway thanks for reading and supporting this story **********************************************************************************************************

Wes and I spent the rest of our weekend in Vegas mostly in the casino because it was safer than the club. Today's our last day and I was lounging by the pool. The light from the sun suddenly was gone and I opened my eyes to see Wes dripping water from his hair down on my bare legs as he stared down at me.

"Why don't you take a picture?" I smirked up at him.

He bit his bottom lip and shook his hair sending water droplets all over my skin. "Scoot over." He gestured.

I moved a little and he sat near my waist and trailed his fingers over a small pale scar on my ribs. "Stop that tickles." I giggled squirming at his touch.

"How'd you get that?" He asked me.

"When I was nine I jumped off our garage because I thought my plastic bag parachute would catch me. I cut my rib cage on a tree branch on the way down and broke my right leg." I laughed at the memory. That was a fun trip to the hospital.

Wes shook his head laughing at me. He stopped and caught my gaze and started biting his lip again as he kept looking into my eyes. "You know, since you're my wife now..." He leaned so he was half on top of me and whispering in my ear sending shivers down my back. "This is basically our honeymoon."

"What are you suggesting Mr. Stromberg?" I asked innocently trailing my fingertips down his well toned abdomen.

"Shit," he cursed as my fingers brushed the waistband of his swim trunks. "Lets go back to our room."

"It's such a nice day outside though." I batted my eyes at him.

"I'm not afraid to get kicked out of a hotel Brianna. We can do it right here in front of all these people." He told me looking almost completely serious.

"Lies." I breathed out as a sigh rolling my eyes, just to see how serious he actually was.

He shrugged and started kissing my neck and leaving love bites as he moved to my collarbone. I held my breath to keep from moaning out loud. He ran his hand up my thigh making me squirm. Then he pulled his lips to my ear and whispered again. "Last chance babe." He said then grazing his teeth over my earlobe.

It was my turn to curse now. "Fuck, lets go." I pulled him up with me dragging him to the elevator and racing back to our room.

We were barely through the door when I turned and attacked him with rough lustful kisses. He slammed the door closed and picked me up by my waist. I wrapped my legs around him. He held me against the wall as we continued to kiss roughly. He slowed it down though kissing me softer and more passionately as he carried my toward the king sized bed laying me down softly. He crawled over me laying some of his weight against me and balancing on his arms. He trailed kisses down my jawline and neck while I caught my breath.

"Your skin tastes like coconuts." Wes mumbled kissing back to my lips.

"It's the suntan lotion." I panted out when he broke his lips away again.

He untied my bikini top and flung it across the room. I giggled then he kissed me again silencing me as he started grinding his hips against mine. I could feel sweat starting to form between our bodies as we moved. It was so hot in here. I undid the tie on his swim trunks and he kicked them off leaving them at the foot of the bed.

He started kissing down my body. I honestly think he was enjoying the taste of my suntan lotion as much as the foreplay. He stopped at the line of my bikini bottoms and glanced up at me. I nodded and my bottoms were gone.

"Truth or dare?" Wes asked me with uneven breath.

"Huh?" I asked in confusion. Was he really playing a game while we're having sex?

"I said truth or dare." He groaned.

"Dare?" I said more as a question.

"You're on top." He said flipping us so I was over him straddling his hips.

"Truth or dare Wesley?" I asked in a bedroom voice. I know what it does to him when I use his whole first name.

"Dare." He said confidently rubbing his hands up my bare thighs.

As I was thinking of a dare his phone rang on the bedside table. It was like a lightbulb in my head. "Dare you to answer it." I smirked.

He rolled his eyes and leaned over grabbing the phone. "Hello?" He said in an even tone.

I ran my fingers over his stomach and followed the trail with kisses. He sighed heavily and continued talking to what sounded like his brother. I positioned myself over him and lowered so we became one. He moaned and I moved up and down on top of him. He moved the phone from his ear and slammed it on the bedside table grabbing me by my hips and rolling us so he was back in control on top.

"Wesley, faster!" I arched my back bringing him in deeper.

"Baby I love you so much." He breathed as he sped up the pace.

I drug my nails down his back making him pull his head back in pleasure. I noticed then how attractive Wes's sex faces were. He's so perfect, and it's hard to believe he's all mine. "I'm close." I panted.

"Cum for me baby." He said through gritted teeth, and I did.

We laid next to each other covered in sweat and surrounded in bliss with our legs tangled in a mess between us. Then I heard giggle coming from Wes's phone. I faced him and he looked shocked. "You didn't hang up?" I asked softly.

"Well sue me, I was a little distracted!" He leaned over me grabbing the phone and hanging up without saying one word. "I'll deal with that when we get home."

He was still leaned over me and I could smell his shower gel. His sex hair itself made me dizzy. "Ready for round two Mr. Stromberg?" I asked.

"Of course I am Mrs. Stromberg." He winked placing a long kiss on my lips.

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