Chapter 21

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Wes got the keys to our hotel room and I helped lug the bags in. The room was simple yet perfect. The walls were a light cream color and the bed had a floral comforter on it. There was a flat screen tv. The bathroom was huge and there was a big bay window where you could see all the lights in the city from this floor. I glanced around the room and saw Wes leaning against the wall looking back at me.

    "What?" I asked looking for a fault in my outfit or something.

    "You're just so gorgeous." He said softly as he crossed the room to stand in front of me and twirl a price of my hair around his finger.

    "Thank you." I smiled up at him. "You're pretty handsome yourself."

    "We must make a pretty sexy couple then." He joked.

    "I'm pretty sure I read on one of our fan pages that we'd make pretty babies." I laughed.

    He laughed with me then shook his head. "I'm not ready for kids yet so don't get that idea in your head."

    "Shut up Stromberg!" I smacked his stomach lightly.

    "Make me McLain!" He smirked knowing where a comment like that usually leads.

    I smiled and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He placed his hands on my hips and crashed my body hard against his. I love when he does that. It makes my heart jump feeling so close to him. Once we pulled apart he sat down on the edge of the bed. "So what are we doing tonight?" I asked.

    "I was thinking about hitting a club or a casino?" He looked to me to see what I would rather do.

    "I don't like to gamble because I'm not very lucky." I admitted. It was true honestly. I almost always lost bets.

    "Then a club it is." He smiled.

    I got dressed in a one shoulder hot pink club dress that had lots of beadwork on the strap and across the chest. I let my hair stay in its natural curls and did some make up. Wes was in a black button down and jeans. He also had on a signature SnapBack. He looked really good in button downs. I'm not sure what it is but every time he wears one I just wanna rip the front open. That boy could lose half his wardrobe if he keeps me around too long and I lose self control.

    "Ready to go babe?" He asked me tearing me from my thoughts.

    "Yep!" I smiled standing up from the bed and taking his hand.

    He led us out of the hotel and took us to the club a few buildings down. We danced and talked to a few of the girls that kept hitting on Wes making my blood boil. Then he sent me to get some drinks while he went to the bathroom. I was ordering when some creep bumped me.

    "Oh, I'm sorry." He winked.

    "Whatever." I waved it off.

    "You know they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Wanna have some fun?" He said.

    "Get away from me creep!" I said with attitude. I grabbed mine and Wes's drinks and turned to leave. He bumped my shoulder again as I passed him but he didn't follow me. I sighed in relief when I found Wes. He took his drink and we both downed them.

    "You okay?" He asked me.

    "Just some creep at the bar freaked me out." I nodded.

    "Well no ones going to hurt you while I'm here." He said draping an arm around me and pulling me close to him.

    "My hero." I giggled.

    "Just call me superman!" He posed making me laugh out loud.

    We drank some more and I didn't see the creep anywhere thank the lord. I danced with Wes until I started feeling the effects of the alcohol kicking in. Then it just turned into sloppy grinding. Wes seemed pretty drunk too but he eventually tugged me towards the door. On the way out I grabbed two more drinks and turned to return to Wes but was instead face to face with that same creep again.

    "I knew I'd see you again." He winked.

    "Just let me go back to my hotel and fuck my boyfriend." I bluntly slurred in my drunken state.

    He laughed and nodded waving his arm for me to pass. "Well by all means don't keep him waiting." 

    As I passed him he grabbed my arm, and mumbled something about forgetting a cup. I turned to check and sure enough I'd left the two drinks on the corner of the bar. I grabbed them and walked back to Wes. We left the club arm in arm sipping the drinks and after that everything started to blur together.

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