Chapter 25

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"Brianna!" Shayla yelled waking me up with a jolt. "Do you wanna go to our high school reunion or not. It's next week and if we're going I need o apply for time off, not all of us work for our boyfriends." She said coming into my room.

My head pounded from my small break down last night. "I don't really want to go. I hated the people in school and I'd probably hate them now." I answered.

"Well your parents miss you. I think we should go. I really want Drew to meet my family. I'm sure Wes would come too." She practically begged.

"I'm really not in the mood for my family." I sighed.

"Please?" She begged.

I looked at the pleading look in her eyes and I just couldn't say no. "Fine, but only if Wes will come with me." I said simply.

"I'll even ask him!" Shayla jumped happily. "It's gonna be so fun!"

"Yeah fun..." I sighed.

Wes of course said he'd love to go, so here I sit in the middle of Wes and Keaton on the plane. Yep that's right, Keaton came to and he brought Mia. He didn't want to stay alone in California so he tagged along. I'd called my parents and they insisted we all stay with them. Though they have plenty of room I'm dreading every second of it.

We reached my family home only a short hour after the plane had landed. It was a nice two story house with lots of room and a big year that was all fenced in. I noticed that Mom had kept up with the landscaping ever since I'd been gone and she'd even added a fountain in the flower bed.

"Please don't hate me for my family." I begged as we started toward the door.

"I could never hate you." Wes kissed my head. "For better or worse remember." He whispered just for me to hear.

I chuckled and knocked twice. My sister opened the door. Karma stood there in tight skinny jeans and a halter top showing her whole stomach revealing her belly button ring. Her long bleached hair almost hit her ass and she had a fake smile on her red coated lips.

"I missed you so much!" She hugged me.

I patted her back and played nice. "I missed you too Karma. This is my boyfriend Wes and his bother Keaton, that's Keaton's girlfriend Mia, and this is Drew, Shayla's boyfriend." I made the introduction.

"I know who they are." She smiled. "I'm a big fan, and it's nice to meet you."

"You too kiddo." Wes said.

I saw Karma visibly cringe at him calling her kiddo. I almost laughed out loud, but I didn't. She led us inside where my parents were sitting at the dinner table playing cards. Yep, nothing's changed much. "Hey guys." I smiled when they looked up.

"Oh, hi honey. Nice to see you." Mom said. That was it. No rush to hug me or overjoyed reunion.

"Karma can show you the rooms." Dad waved his hand dismissing us.

Wes squeezed my hand keeping me calm. We followed Karma up the steps and she showed us the rooms. "This is Keaton and Mia's room, and the bathrooms across the hall." She pointed. "Drew and Shayla this is yours but it has separate beds so have fun with that." She snorted unattractively. "Then Brianna you and Wes get your old room." She shrugged. "Now I'm going to hangout with my friends."

"Put some clothes on so you don't get raped." I called after her. If I'd dressed like that as a kid my mom would've shot me.

"Your family seems nice." Wes said dropping his bags.

"You don't have to lie. I know they're terrible." I told him. "Oh and I apologize now for the people at this class reunion. I'm only here for Shayla."

"I don't mind babe. I'm only here for you." He smiled. "Maybe we can tell everyone while we're here."

"Tell everyone what?" Keaton asked entering the room with Mia in tail.

"Umm," I glanced to Wes for help.

"Oh my gosh are you pregnant?" Mia asked looking hopeful.

"No!" I said a little louder than I meant.

"Tell everyone that me and Brianna were thinking about moving in together." Wes blurted out.

I looked as shocked as Keaton and Mia I'm sure. I turned to face him and he smiled and shrugged throwing an arm around my shoulders. I'm not sure if he's kidding or not. I mean we are technically married, and I wouldn't mind waking up to him every morning, but is he ready for that step. And why did Mia think I was pregnant!

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