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When I kissed him...... I felt in another world I was lost in that kiss. It felt pure and their was lust. I liked it.

That's when I realized that I was in a cell with a lunatic that I don't even know and I had just kissed him, he was my roommate per say and that meant strictly friends. If any guard saw us cuddling we would both get punished... 

I quickly got up from his bed and fixed myself.
How am I supposed to tell a crazy psycho that we can't be doing this kind of stuff that's like asking a dog not to bark.

"Hey..." I said... wow great a hi would work I thought mentally smacking myself on the forehead.

"Hey you alright bells"  he responded and just by saying that I melted
What a wuss I thought to myself.

" I'm fine..... Well...... No I'm not.... uhh what we're doing is wrong it can't be like this... I like you an all but we were both put in this asylum for a reason and we can't be together in here at least... thanks for helping me sleep last night but I just can't not again "

I looked up a Tate... his face was expressionless he was serious. I couldn't read his face.  He just looked down interlocking is hands.

"Ok.... that's fine" I heard him mummer something else but I wasn't able to hear it

Before I could answer my two guards came up... I think their names were Ethan and gray I don't know I'm bad with names

"Bella common lets go" Ethan said

I was put in handcuffs and was forced to walk in between the both of them basically in the middle.

"Sorry we have to put you in handcuffs the headmistress told us too". Gray said quietly

"That's ok.." i answered

We walked to the bathrooms thank god they weren't co-ed Quick side note- meaning woman and men aren't together they are separated

I walked into the bathrooms and went into one of the stalls.... doing my business.
I then hoped into one of the empty showers, grateful that no other girl was in here with me

" ugh I need a cigarette" I whispered to myself
Theirs a vent on top of the shower faucet.
I then heard another shower turn on.... I peeped my head out of the shower curtain and saw that no one else was in here with me. I was confused huh.

I then look up at the vent
And see that's it's just another person taking a shower. I nod my head and I focus on taking a shower remembering that I only have 20 mins to do all of this.

I wash my hair and body, washing my face.
Humming while doing it all.  I get out of shower and wrap a towel around my body... well I don't want to wear the same clothes as I did yesterday.... what am I supposed to do I look around and see no clothes.

I walk to the door and open it slightly, Ethan looks up at me then looking down and noticing that I'm only wearing a towel.... he blushes a little bit but then it goes away.
Gray notices too

"Oh.. Ethan you idiot you forgot her clothes" Gray says
Ethan looks at him and then at me.

"I'll go get them" Ethan says
Running off

Couple minutes pass when a tired Ethan comes back
"Got them" he says breathing heavily

He hands me my clothes
I shut the door quickly my body already dry from all the waiting, I put on new undergarments and a fresh pair of clothes.
All gray.... man did they have to pick such a dull and dark color.

I hand comb my hair and look at myself in the mirror. I look different my hair has grown, the bruises have faded all the cuts and scars have healed. I still look really skinny my ribs pop out  and I all bone no meat, my eyes have bags underneath really bad ones, and my skin just looks pale probably from not being in the sun.

I brush my teeth finally finished I then felt something in my pocket i feel my pocket carefully shoving my hand into the pocket.

I smiled it was a pack of cigarettes their was a drawn smiley face, I smile put the pack back in my pocket and walk out.

Both guards stand up, Gray once again putting the handcuffs back on.

All three of us walk to the cafeteria, gray taking off the handcuffs and walking away. I look up at Ethan
" hey thanks for the pack... I really needed it " I say smiling at him
" no problem, just don't tell anyone who you got it from... all you need now is a lighter and don't smoke this anywhere else except for your cell because they don't have smoke detectors in there" he says smirking

We walk our separate ways I look around feeling somebody watching me I then notice who it was....

It was Tate

Authors note:
Holy smokes haven't updated in such along time I need to start writing again... sorry for the wait... if any one reads this book...
haha prob not

But what eves I write to write.
Stay positive
And I'll try to be more active and post

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