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That's all I can think of, I don't remember anything.
Who I am, where I am.

So confused and scared.
I'm in a room with a straight jacket on.

Am I crazy, what happened why am I locked in a dark room.
What happened. ?!!!

Freaking out I try to look around but see that my feet are chained up to the bed which is nailed to the floor.

Was it really that bad... what did I do.
I try to remember but fail completely.

I hear screaming from other people, so that means I'm not alone.

Am I in prison, did I do a crime.
Then I hear footsteps, heels those are definitely heels.
I sit up, and I hear my door unlock.

The woman is tall with blond hair and green eyes, wearing black pants and a black shirt with black shoes on. Right by her side are two guys wearing all white.
Hold on... I try to connect the dots but my mind seems empty like if it had been erased.

The two guys come into the room one holds me up and the other unchained my feet.
They both grab me and start to walk out of the dark and now empty room.

I hadn't said a word yet I have so many questions.
They keep walking my eyes to tired and not use to the light, so I squint a lot.

They take me to the ladies restroom,
" clean up" the lady says
" don't try anything foolish their is a worker inside"
I just nod they take off my straight jacket.

I walk into the bathroom.
I sniff myself.. I smell horrible.
But the first thing I do is look into the mirror.

I see a pale girl, brown long hair with blue eyes.
Skinny.. way too skinny almost anorexic.
I have huge bags and I see that I have bruises and scars all over my arms and legs.
" you have 15 mins, don't just stand there take a shower and use the restroom " the lady inside the bathroom tell me.

She's right I walk into the showers their are towels in each one. I step into one and turn on the water washing my hair and body.
Feeling cleaner, I step out with my towel on and look around for clothes. There is none.

I go back to the lady that is in the bathroom.
"What do I put on" I ask very low almost a whisper.
"Here " she hands me a white shirt and black comfy pants.
I go into one of the stalls and get dressed.
Good thing I don't have big boobs, because you are not allowed to wear a bra.

I get out of the stall finishing my business wash my teeth and hand comb through my hair.

I walk out of the bathroom.
The lady examines me, I look down to my arms and see cuts.
One memory comes to mind, of me cutting myself in the bathroom.

The two guys come up to me and each one takes a hold on my hair and we go back to walking.
We walked for what seemed minutes till we got to an office.
The lady sits down and the two man back up and just stand there while I just sit down.

" do you know why you are here " the lady asks

"uhh no.. I don't remember anything at all"

" well my name is Ms. Clarice, and I'm the boss in this place this is a mental asylum called Rolling Hills asylum you are a patient here now. "
Rolling hills? This is one of the top facilities in the US.
So I'm insane, in a mental asylum because I did something horrible and I don't remember.
"I'm just going to tell you the rules here at this institute that ALL patients need to follow
Rule #1 be respectful to workers
Rule #2 not allowed to walk alone
Rule #3 eating at the times you are supposed to eat
Rule #4 no fighting
Rule #5 not allowed to have anything at all.
And the rules went on and on I heard everything.

This place sounds boring,
"Why don't I remember anything "
"You were electrocuted for therapy, your memory will come back soon" she said
" how long have I been here and how long while I be here "
" you have been here for a week now which was spent in solitary, and you are sentenced to be here until you get better "
I no the discussion is over I get up and look at the clock it's 11:15 so that means I'll be eating soon.

The two guys walked side by side of me.
They sent me to this place were you are supposed to hang out with other patients. But i didn't feel like socializing.

I entered the room and there was many people, they all looked at me, but i didn't care I sat down at one of the chairs in front of the window.

I need a cigarette I thought, then I remembered that one of the guys that walk me around also smokes I went up to him.
"Hey is there a way that I could get a cigarette form you "
"Yeah sure this is the only place you are allowed to smoke besides the cafeteria and maybe even your room if their is a guard near by. "
"Okay thanks "
He hands me a pack of cigarettes 50 at least maybe too many but I didn't care.

I walked back down to the two seater chair lit up my cigarette with the lighter that is chained to the table .
I looked out the window and kept smoking.

I felt someone staring at me.
I looked around and noticed a guy staring at me, brown hair brown eyes skinny pale quite handsome but I don't want to date a psychopath so I just looked back out of the window.

At least half an hour had passed before the guards got up and said lunch time.
We all got up and proceeded to exit.

I headed to the cafeteria with my two guards side by side I was still holding my cigarette .
I walked in and they told me to get in line I told them that I wasn't hungry but they told me that I had to eat.
I went to the line and by coincidence the guy that was staring at me was behind me.

"So you're the new chick" he asks
"Yeah I am"
" what's your name"
"Why do you wanna know ? " I asked him
" just because all these other people are just weird you look like the only normal person"
I just nodded.
I got my nasty food, and sat down at one of the tables in the corner.

I just wanted to be alone I don't want these people as my friends.
He sat in front of me... what is wrong with this kid.

"Hey look I know you don't want to be around me... but I need a friend I've been here for too long and I need someone.... you look like a nice person so.... I-if you don't trust me I can tell you my story and how I got in here and you can tell me yours"
"Ok I guess we could be friends "
He smiles
" so how long have you been here" I asked him
" for over a year now "
" my name is Tate" he says
" my name is Isabella but you can call me whatever "
" I'll call you bell "
He started to eat his food while I looked down at mine, it was a weird chicken soup probably not even real chicken but I was hungry so I started to eat.

We finished eating in silence and I also drank 4 cups of water I was really thirsty .
It was 12:30 that means we had to back to our cells.
" hey where is your room" Tate asked
"Uhh I don't know I was in solitary "
"Ohh.. well good luck with your roommate"
"Wait! We have roommate"
Oh god why was this places to packed.
I hope my roommate doesn't stink

Mental asylum Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora