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Bella's POV:

Before I fell back asleep Tate asked me if i could be his meaning his girlfriend, i said yes.
I mean there's not wrong with that I like him he likes me we've already been through enough so why not date.

Soon enough I open my eyes the light is shinning through the curtains I get up stretching from such a good rest. I walk toward the window and open it slightly just  for my eyes to be able to see through the window.
The city is beautiful the sun is already up and the sky is a nice blue you can see the cars already stuck in traffic usual California.

I close the curtains back up and turn to Tate I see him cuddled up looking at me with curious eyes. 
"Morning" I say

"Morning" he answers back 

I walk to the bathroom to go pee and exit that slight awkwardness. Flushing the toilet I go to wash my hands soon after brushing my teeth and putting cold water to my face.

Soon enough the door opens, and Tate hugs me from behind.

"Tate stop I'm trying to wash my face " I say through laughs

He keeps hugging me not wanting to stop.

"Tate!" I say laughing

I turn around and face him with my face all wet

" I don't care " he says with a cheeky smile

He then grabs my face and leans in for a kiss, he's taller than my face is looking up. Every time I kiss him it's like a new whole feeling it's like I'm fading in and out of reality every time.

Kissing is  like a drug it's addicting and every time you stop kissing you want more.
It's good and bad.

I pull back and open my eyes

"I need to take a shower " I say

"Okay " he says

He walks out and closes the door behind him,
I undress and step into the shower I take a quick body shower since I washed my hair yesterday.

I hop out of  the shower dry myself off and wrap a towel around my body.
I walk out of the bathroom Tate is sitting on the bed.

"Here I washed our clothes their is a washing and drying machine in the lobby so while you were taking a shower I was washing them "  he says

"Thanks Tate" 

He hands me my clothes and goes into the bathroom.
I put on my clothes and lay down.

Tate walks out of the bathroom already with his clean clothes on his hair is wet. I sit up

"What now?" I ask

" we need to find jobs and fast we need to make money "

"Okay "

He holds out his hand I grab it and he pulls me up. 
"Let's go "

We walk out of the hotel, looking for that wonderful blue haired girl at the lobby but I guess she is off her shift.

Since we were held captive at the mental asylum we haven't been under sunlight in a long time so we weren't used to the sunlight or sun good thing we got these shades.

The walk to the car was short and quiet, as usual. Why is Tate not as talkative as he was before and what does he think about so much?

Tate unlocks the car and opens the door for me shortly running to the other side of the car and hopping in.

"Where to ? " Tate says
"Maybe a store ?" I say
"Let's go to a library" he says

"Wait don't drive yet give me a second"
I hop out of the car, and go back into the lobby walking to the front desk "

The man looks up at me
"Hi how may I help you " he says in a grumpy voice
" umm... do you know where's he nearest library"

He nodded and handed me a brochure, I looked at it and it said libraries.

"Thanks"  I say

Running out and going to back to the car,  I show Tate the brochure he opens it up and starts reading.

"There's one nearby do you still have that map?" He says

"Yup" I say

I unfold the map and extend it, it took us a couple mins to figure out where the library is but we finally got it.

Tate backs out of the parking space and finally we get out of the hotel parking lot and start to drive to the library.

It was silent once again, my finger pressed the button to turn on the radio I switch through stations trying to find a song that I remember.
I finally find one hopefully Tate doesn't mind.

I might as well start singing a long

" so common you got it wrong to prove I'm right I put it in a song" I sing in the cringiest  way possible out to the window

Tate looks at me and starts to crack a smile
I keep going

" I don't know why your being shy  and turn away when I look into your eyyyyyyeeesssss
Everyone else in the room can see it everyone else but youuuu "

Drumming along

Couple mins later the song finally finishes.
I turn to face Tate and notice that his whole face is red and his eyes are watering.
My job is done here.

"What.....w-as....t-ha-t " he says through laughter
"That was me trying to sing "
" That was funny " he says smiling

That was adorable I say but in my mind.
After a couple mins we finally arrive at the library.
We both get out of the car, Tate locks it and we start to walk hand in hand to the entrance.

The library was like any regular library, we pass the front desk and head toward the computers.
Tate logs into one and we both start to search for stores that are hiring.

We must have spent hours on that computer because by the time that we were done researching a librarian came to tell us that the library was closing in 10 minutes.

Tate logs out we head out of the library and get in the car.
" Do you wanna head back to the hotel?"  I ask

"We should go to a grocery store and buy some food" Tate says

"Yeah but where? " I say

Before I can even think Tate takes a sharp right turn  into a Target parking lot.
Well that was easy.

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