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The way he was looking at me when I was talking to Ethan was probably the same way.

Eyes dark, eyebrows furrowed lips in straight line... but his eyes looked angry.

I head to the line of people waiting to get food, I stand their quietly trying to map out where to sit and where not to... I want to be invisible I don't want anyone to be friends with me this is not a place to have friends... this is a place to get better they say.

I keep looking around and then I notice someone stand behind me too close for my liking.
I turn around and notice that it's just Tate

He looks down at me and smirks
" so you and the guard are a thing now " he says
I looks at him " no... just because I talk to a guy not just any guy but MY GUARD doesn't mean that we are a thing now Tate I can talk to guys and they can just be my acquaintances " I respond

" ok just wondering " he says

The line starts moving up, I get a tray and the worker says what do you want.
I look at the food there is scrambled eggs, sausage, toast, oatmeal, orange juice and water.
"I'll take the eggs and sausage with orange juice please " she hands me the food and then looks at Tate asking the same question

" I'll have the same thing that she is having " he responds.

I walk and looking for an empty table finding one near the window.
Ahh I sit down and look out the window, all I see is forest the sky is cloudy the sun no where to be seen even outside is depressing.

I turn my head looking for a clock to check what time it is can't seem to find one. I look straight ahead and see Tate eating his food, I look down at my plate thinking whether or not to eat. I don't wanna eat, the food makes me want to throw up I push the tray away from me.

"Hey you gotta eat, your gonna kill your self your also too skinny which isn't good" Tate says looking at me

"It's not that I want to be this skinny it's just food right now doesn't appetite me" I say

"Have you ate since you've been here? " Tate asks

"Yeah... I ate a banana" I respond I look down at my food again...... well I don't want to be weak I grab the juice and drink it this will do.

Tate ate my food, while I sit there just staring off into the forest.
Gray comes by
" it's time to see the doctors" gray says
"The doctors what for" I ask
" You need a check up headmistress saw you when she was walking by and she was concern by the way that you look just come on " he says
" can you give me a minute please gray" I say suddenly remembering what I had in my pocket

"Ok " he says walking away telling me that he will be back in 5 mins

"Tate do me a favor and hide this for me" I say to Tate
"Hide what " he says
"Are you going back to your cell after this ? " I ask
"Yes "
I nod and casually pass him my pack of cigarettes
" I'll put them under your mattress if you give me one "
" yeah you can have one only one though " I say
He nods and i nod.

Gray comes back, and puts me in handcuffs.

"Lets go" he says
I nod at Tate and he smiles back

The walk was quite it was only Gray so that's maybe why. The walk was also very long.

Finally arriving to the place we walk through the door and a female nurse comes in she looked nice and pretty.
She had short dirty blonde hair and green eyes she also had a bunch of cute little freckles around her nose and at the apples of her cheek.

She looked at Gray and smiled
"We'll take care of her from here, she will be with us in here for a couple of hours so go take a break Gray. "
Gray smiles at her
"Yeah ill do that "
Gray walks away

"So your name is Bella right?"  I nod
" ok well my name is Hailie nice to meet you I will be helping you out from now on "

I nod once again
" I'm gonna measure your height and weight "
She tells me to get on a scale it says I weight 95 pounds
" oh...ok " she says with a worried smile
She tells me to stand straight with my feet against the wall
I guess I'm 5'6

She walks me to this room with a bed, she told me to wait here.

I sit there... her face was shocked when she saw how much I weighed... that's not good

A couple minutes pass and she comes back in,
"Ok so let's talk.. when was the last time you got your period"
" umm I don't remember probably before I got in this place "
" ok we'll have you eaten here at all like a whole meal "
The questions kept coming she asked me how my life was before this, if I had intercourse  before coming here even if I had done it I here.

We spent like 30 minutes me just sitting there  me just answering all these questions while she wrote  down.
Then she took my temperature, blood pressure, and pulse.
She told me that since I'm a woman and I've had sex before that a gynecologist would have to come in and check everything.

The lady doctor came in and did some stuff I came out negative of course.
Wrap your willy before you go silly ;)

Hailie came back in and told me that I would be talking with a psychiatrist now, so yay for me right.

The doctor came in and just talked to me for about an hour, which was boring af.
After that he left to go talk to Hailie, Hailie came back in.
"So how are you feeling?" She asked me  sitting down next to me
" okay I guess just tired" I answered

"Well after this talk you are good to go"
I nodded
She took out this bracelet that kinda looks like a hospital bracelet but it was burgundy.

" So you have to wear this bracelet until we tell you that you are allowed to take it off ok if you do take it off you will get in trouble"
"Why ? " I asked
"Because you are one of those people that don't like to  eat and we want to make sure that you don't get malnourished so that will just make workers and guards be alert and make sure that you eat your food"
" ahhh so you guys diagnosed me as anorexic"

"Well..... not really no you aren't at that stage but you are close we just want you to eat and gain a little wait cuz right now even though you are skinny you look sick"

She made me take off my shirt, and made me look in the mirror.
I wanted to cry this isn't who I am I look like while different person.

" Ok... yeah I need to gain some weight" I say
"That's the spirit " she says cheering on.
" ok you can head on out now Gray is waiting for you"  she says
We give each other a hug.

Gray is waiting outside for me,  this time he doesn't put any hand cuffs on me.
"So no handcuffs this time "  I say
Gray smirks
"Yeah the doctors said that you are harmless that it isn't needed "
"Harmless.. pff ok " I say
"Now here don't get cocky" he says chuckling

He walks me to my cell, he opens the door for me and tells me that Ethan will be back in two hours for a bathroom break.  And that he will be back in 15 minutes to give me something.He puts me in the cell and locks it up.

He walks away, Tate is laying on the top bunk.
"So what took you so long.. you were their for hours " Tate says
" I know thanks for doing me that favor, I really appreciate it" I say

"No problem" he says "anything for you"
"Now don't say that, you barely now me "

He gets up jumps off the bed and he starts walking to me.
"Do I have to know you do to this" he says

He grabs my face and kisses me
Leaving me in shock
I close my eyes and kiss back

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