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Tate POV:

She's so peaceful when she sleeps,
She looks so beautiful maybe cuddling with her isn't to great because all she has is bone and no meat.
But it's totally worth it, she's so beautiful.

She turned around when she was sleeping so I got to see her face.
I was stroking her face.

It was already morning.

"Hey" I said while gently shaking her
She opens her eyes and sees me and smiles.

" hey" she says with her beautiful morning voice

" I'm gonna get up before the guards come in and see us like this "

She frowns and nods her head

I quickly get up and jump on top of my bed. Acting like I was sleeping.

One of her guards came in.

Bella got up and walked away with her guard.
After a couple mins my guard came in and took me to the restrooms.

He took me to the bathroom. I went in there, went to bathroom and then couple mins later hoping into the shower. I wash my hair and body while listening to what sounds like a girl hum which is relaxing.

Bella's POV:

Ethan took me to the bathroom I did my business and took a shower while humming  because that's what I always do.  But this time their was someone else with me in the bathrooms.

I got out and got dressed with my gray clothes hand comb my hair and leave the bathrooms.
Ethan and I walk to the cafeteria, I see Tate waiting for me on the table closest to the door. I smile at him and go make line with him for food this time only getting oatmeals and a cup of water.
These nurses come in with little cups with pills in them, they pass around all the pills and make sure the patients swallow them they come to us and they give me three pills I take them. They give Tate 5 pills and he takes them.

Ethan comes back and takes my tray away noticing that I ate all my food.

The headmistress  said that I will be doing stuff today. Whatever that means.

I look out the window.

Tate is looking at me.

"Hey how come you always look out the window after you eat?" Tate asks

"Because I like to see the outside before I have to go "  I answer back

"Oh... ok"

Both of our guards take us to this room with a workers and bunch of other patients.
The main lady comes up to the front of the room and starts to talk.

" good morning everyone all of you guys have been approved to start doing stuff around here so that what we are doing today you'll be paired up with your roommate to work together since you guys already know each other"

They split us up into groups, one group went to do laundry, another group went to go clean the cafeteria, another group went to go clean the floor, and my group had to help in the kitchen.

Our group walked to the kitchen, the workers came to tell us that we will be kneading dough for the morning.

One of the workers instructed us how to knead and a couple mins later Tate  and I were kneading the dough. 

Believe or not it was pretty fun Tate and I had a blast kneading the dough.
We made them into little bread rolls.
After a couple hours we were done the workers told us we could go back to our cells.
Our guards  came in and we walked to our cells.

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