mama's baby

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luke sat between karen and liz, sipping his hot chocolate as they all watched a hallmark movie.

michael was out visiting a few people who helped him get to where he is now.

"you have to tell us how london is!" liz said, nudging luke's arm. they could tell something was off about luke's mood and his outfit. he was wearing leggings and a sweatshirt instead of his usual pretty dress.

"i don't really know. i don't get out much. michael's usually gone to his art studio or to the salon or something. i usually just stay home and wait for him." luke said, laughing a little bit.

"how is he treating you?" karen asked, wanting to make sure michael was being nice to luke.

"good. he bought me a huge house, and everything i want. i just wish he was home a little more, but he always has to work." luke said, sighing a little bit.

they all kept talking, occasionally watching parts of the movie.

michael stepped into the house, and started walking towards the living room.

"when do you think michael will propose?!" michael heard, and his heart sunk a little as luke didn't have an answer to give his mom.

"i- um. i don't think me and michael are going to get married,"

michael listened, peeking into the living room. he stared at the back of the couch, and saw luke sitting between the two moms.

"what? are you guys splitting up?" karen gasped.

"no- no, of course not. i was getting a little impatient, so i just asked him when we were gonna get married. he said it wasn't a good idea, and he doesn't want that right now. i tried again, and i asked him to marry me, but he said no.." luke said softly, and michael could just hear the shake in his voice.

"baby." liz whispered, holding luke's head on her shoulder as he cried.

"luke, i don't understand. michael loves you more than anything in the world." karen said, rubbing his back.

"i know he loves me. i don't think he loves me like he used to though. when i was seventeen he made me promise i would marry him someday. seven years later, he gets mad every time i bring it up." luke cried.

"i don't understand at all."

luke wiped his eyes, and let his mom hold him.

"i'm scared. i'm afraid he's gonna leave me. he's surrounded by all of these people that i can't compete with. he stays at work until like 10 p.m. and then leaves early in the morning. he doesn't have any time for me, and he's eventually gonna find someone else." luke sobbed.

luke, listen to me..." karen whispered, throwing her arm around luke's shoulder. "...i know michael loves you, and you know that too. he has loved you for so long, and you just have to have the smallest bit of hope that he is still in love with you. i think this can be fixed. i have no doubt."

michael watched as luke sobbed, both of their hearts completely breaking over the other.

michael walked out of the house almost silently. he got in his car, and quickly backed out of the driveway, driving down the street.

he wanted to give luke a little time to calm down. he doesn't want luke to know he heard.

the older boy made his way to the shopping mall, and sighed as he walked into the lingerie store. he remembers luke saying one time that getting new panties made him happy. michael laughed at him, and jokingly told him he was weird.

luke smiled that night, and michael held him until they fell asleep.

that was a good night.

michael picked up everything that was pink and soft and reminded him of luke. he got them put into a pretty bag for luke before he left.

he picked up pretty pink roses, and stopped when he saw a sweater in the shop of a small boutique.

he remembers luke wearing that same sweater when he was 16. it was baby pink and had a little kitten on the front.

he knows all of the presents won't restore luke's faith in him, but he's gonna try his best.

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