Nolivia and Shartney

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Noah's POV

     I saw Olivia sitting on our couch in the squad room, and she got up and walked up to me. "What was your conversation with Ian about?" Oh please tell me she didn't hear! "Um, uhh." I started blushing. "Was it about the new rule?" "Uh yeah." "Who do you like? C'mon! You can tell me!" "No I can't." She doesn't need or want to know. If I tell her it will ruin our friendship. "Please!" She looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes with pouty lips. "No, sorry Olivia." "Just describe to me, her." "Fine. Shes the most beautiful person I've ever met, she has deep brown eyes, she has the most gorgeous black hair, and..... shes standing right in front of me.." Omg what did I just do. I'm such an idiot.

Olivia's POV

     "And.... shes standing right in front of me.." I stood on my tip toes and kissed him for what felt like eternities. "I love you Olivia." He whispered in my ear after we broke apart. "I love you too." 

Noah's POV

     "Should we tell the fans?" I asked Olivia. "We should tell them, but not before Shayne asks Courtney!" She said as she grabbed my hand and ran down the hallway to where Shayne was. "Hi Shayne! I need you to do something for me please!" Shayne looked at our hands and asked "Are you two togeth...?" Olivia grabbed Shayne's hand too before he could ask us and ran to the editing room. Courtney was in there editing. "Stay in here for a sec." She then ran and grabbed Keith and Wes. "Stay outside here until Shayne and Courtney 'talk' for a little." She said to them. We then went back to squad room and waited.

Shayne POV

     "Hey Shayne! Whats wrong?" So many things. "Nothing." We heard Keith say "Stop being a kitty Shayne. Tell her!" "Your not coming out until you do!" Wes also said. I sighed. "What are they talking about?" Courtney looked worried. "I love you. I always have. The reason I didn't tell you was because of the rule and I didn't want to get you fired. I know you don't feel the same but..." Then she started laughing hysterically. "Sorry me loving you is so dumb, its funny." I mumbled. She stopped laughing when I said that. "Shayne I love you so much! I'm surprised you didn't notice!" I then kissed her. "You're an idiot." She said. "You must be in to idiots." 

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