Shootout to the Spittoon Challenge

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Mari's POV

     During the shootout I was laughing so hard at Ian dying and Flitz was putting his hand out like he was healing him. He then grabbed my hand and kept putting his hand out. "WAAAAAA." Ian kept saying and Keith shot him in his other nipple and we all laughed. Ian then came over and died in Flitz's hands.

     It was my turn and I was against Boze. "It's gonna be a shame to put such a pretty face in the dirt." Boze said. "That's a real cute shirt. I'll bary you in it." I said back. I won the first rock paper scissors. She won the next. It all came down to this. Well, not really because we still had to choose a gun. I won the last one. She shot me. "Aww....DANCE!" I said and I started dancing. She then shot me and I fell to the floor and pretended I was dead. Flitz came over and hugged me and the Randy Bandits were all 'crying.' Right after that we immeadiatly went to shoot Spittoon Spit Challenge. 

Flitz's POV

     It was my turn to try to spit plastic balls into cups. Man, the things you do for Smosh. The first was a miss. The second got five points! Eveyone came to hug me including Mari. I missed the last one. Wes then said, "I'm gonna use a different tactic." He shot it up into the air and made it, but it was his practice shot. He missed the first two and Boze caught his ball. I mean, his uh, plastic ball. Pervs! And no I didn't break the 4th wall, shut up! The last randy bandit was Mari. Sadly she didn't make any so the next person can't make any. I then found out who it was. Joven! We have this in the bag!

Joven's POV

     Last but probably least....Me! I was the last Cowbae and I had to make atleast one red shot to tie. I missed the first. I also missed the second. One last try. I shot it out of my mouth. It zoomed to the end of the table. Plunk. Into the holy grail that is fifteen points. "OHHHHHH!" My team huddled around me and Wes have picked me up. I'm not gonna get LVP! I don't think I will get MVP though. LVP2EPICMOMENT is more like it. 

     Sorry this is short, and sorry its late into the day. But on Shootout to the Death go to 10:50 to see Flari holding hands, 26:06 for Flari, just uh, Flari, and go to 26:22 for Woze. Wes picks up Boze way to much, I mean, not enough, but for this standard, way to much 😂. At Winter Games he had her on his shoulders at the mousetrap gauntlet. I know that the ships might not happen, but Woze is defiantly the most likely 💖💖💖.

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