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Olivia's POV

     I heard the man coming back. I have been trying to untie and cut the ropes to no avail. When he came in he set someone next to me. "Courtney! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" If he killed her I will fucking murder him. "Chill Princess. She's knocked out. As are Damien, Joven, Boze, and....Noah." Noah! He set down Damien and Joven across from me and Boze next to me. He tied them up and I asked, "Where is Noah!?" "He will be here in a minute or two." He smiled his evil smile. Please don't hurt him. I need him. He left the room.

     The man was coming back. I can't tell if he has Noah or not. He came in and I saw Noah and he was.... "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!" He was bleeding a lot. He set him down and untied me. He quickly left the room before I could reach him. I went to Noah. "NOAH!" I cried on him like I did when Anthony beat him up. I stopped crying and looked at the huge cut on his leg. I was looking for something to put over it when some gauze and and tape was dropped at the door. I ran and got it. I was putting it on his leg when I heard. "Aw." And I looked up at Noah but it wasn't him. It was Joven. "What happened? Olivia!" I ignored him and finished wrapping Noah's cut. "Olivia!" He said again. I faced towards him and said, "What?" "Why are you untied?" "So I can save Noah from dying!" I half yelled. Joven looked really guilty. "Sorry Joven. I just....I love him so much." I started to cry but I wiped away my tears. "Its ok. It was a dumb question." I realized I could quickly untie a few of them before the man got back. I untied Joven and Courtney. I then heard someone else wake up. "uhh, Ow!" I looked at everyone and they were still asleep. I turned and it was Noah. "NOAH!" I yelled and I kissed him. He pulled apart and said, "What happened? Are we still at the hotel? Are you hurt?" "I didn't know we were at a hotel, I'm fine Noah, and the other one is a long story." "I think we have time." Joven said. "Ok, but wait 'til the others are up." I said. I kissed Noah again and sat in his lap and waited. 

     Courtney got up, then Damien and lastly Boze. "We were waiting for you guys to get up so Olivia could tell us what happened." Noah said. I got off Noah's lap and told them what happened. "Then the lights went out and someone grabbed me, which was the man. I tried to scream for you Noah, but he put a cloth with stuff that makes you go to sleep on it against my mouth and I blacked out." I finished and Noah looked really mad. "I could have saved you. I heard someone yell 'Help' and I went towards it, but I couldn't hear anymore. I was right next to the bathrooms." He said, clenching his fists. "Its not your fault Noah." I squeezed his hand. "It is. If I wasn't with you none of this would have happened." He moved his hand out from under mine. I let a tear fall down. "I'm sorry I got you guys into this. I shouldn't have let you guys come. You wouldn't be here." He said to Damien, Joven, Courtney and Boze. "If we wouldn't have come, we wouldn't have made it this far, and I'm not giving up now!" Joven said. He got up and looked around. Its hopeless. There is no way out. "Guys...The door isn't locked." He opened the door and we all jumped up except Noah. "Liv!" He said and I turned around. "I forgot." I said smiling as I put his arm over my shoulder. Damien went on the other side to help us up. We went up the stairs to the hotel but the man was standing on the top of the stairs.

Noah's POV

     A man was standing at the top of the stairs and I assumed he was the man who took us here. "Get out of here!" Joven said. Damien let go of my side and I leaned against the wall. "Olivia is Anthony's!" He said and he punched Joven. Damien punched the man after and helped Joven up. Joven had a bloody nose. Olivia was about to go to the man but I held her hand and pulled her back. "Stay here so you don't get hurt." Damien and the man were just punching each other when Damien fell. Olivia unhooked from me and I tried to get her back. She went over and said, "This is for hurting Noah!" And punched him in the nose. He got a bloody nose and was trying to clean it up when she said, "This is for capturing my friends!" And punched him in the chest. "And this is for capturing me!" She said and she knocked him backwards and he hit his head on the floor. "Wow." I said. I didn't know she could do that. I hobbled over to her and she helped me the rest of the way. "You're bad-ass!" I said. "Thanks." She kissed me on the cheek. We all got into Damien's car and drove back to Summer Games.

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