RANT: Why Naomi haters so pressed? 🤔🤷🏾‍♂️

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So, this book wasn't supposed to feature rants at first, but after scrolling on Twitter, YouTube, & Diva-Dirt (Women's Wrestling site), I decided that enough is enough. It's time for me to speak up .


Why y'all so mad? Like seriously.

Naomi has been on the main roster since 2012 and WWE as a whole since 2009. She has worked her ass of in the ring to entertain and make an impact in the women's division.

Naomi has reinvented herself year after year, and made herself better and she had to watch other women get opportunities over her.

Even when she turned heel in 2015 it seemed as if she was finally going to be put on the top, but she would once again get the short end of the stick.

Naomi has been deemed underrated for years, and it seemed like she would never get her turn in the spotlight.

After all of the struggle that she had to endure, Naomi was drafted to SmackDown in 2016 and reinvented herself once more, this time it would make an impact.

Now with a more glowing persona (pun intended) she caught everyone's attention, and finally got what she deserved; A chance to shine.

Alright. Now that I got that out of the way, let's shift back into my rant.

Ever since Naomi has become champion, she has gotten so much hate.

" She just glows in the dark, she has no gimmick..."

"  She has no character..."

"She can't perform a promo to save her life..."

I'm about to shut this 💩 down!

Naomi has stated NUMEROUS times that her glow gimmick is inspired by a old school karate movie where the main character finds his confidence.

Her gimmick is being confident and not letting anyone dim her light.


That is definitely having character so stfu.

Naomi is also pretty decent on the mic, and just because she uses terms like "Snatch You Bald", it doesn't mean she can't talk on the mic. It's culture.

Naomi has a lot of supporters in the drag & LGBTQ community, and that's lingo they (along with African Americans) use.

She can hold her own on the mic, and just because you don't like it doesn't mean she can't speak.

Somebody also had the nerve to say she couldn't wrestle, and that she was a spot monkey...



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