Dear Future College Classmates...

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I don't think that I've told my Wattpad friends this, but in just a months time I'll be attending college, where I will be majoring in Media Studies🎥🎞📺‼️

My summer has pretty much consisted of writers block, coming for Naomi hater's, and stressing about where I'll be going to college.

The college that I'm going to wasn't really my choice, but I'd feel weird not being in school because that's all I've known for the past 14 years.

Before I start school I need my future classmates to know the following:

1. If I don't approach you first it doesn't mean I don't want to speak to you. I'm a bit of an introvert, which makes me feel awkward when being put in new situations. I'll warm up to you eventually (Hopefully).

2. If I'm in my dorm room 90% of the time don't think I'm weird. Part of this will be because I am a introvert, so I'll keep to myself most of the time. It'll also be because I'll be doing my assignments as soon as I get them so I won't flunk out of college 🙃. I'm the KING of procrastination and doing that in college won't get me anywhere.

3. I don't go to parties. I'm not a party person. I didn't even go to my own prom (well at least in High School). I don't dance and I don't like large crowds, so don't ask me to go to a party, and don't expect me to be at one. If I actually do go to parties that would be shocking.

4. Even though I'm an introvert, I can sometimes get out of my shell. You'll likely notice this as the semester progresses. I like to listen to music ( R&B, Hip Hop, some retro rock, and even a little trap music. Migos in particular.) Don't be surprised if one moment I'm bopping to Kendrick Lamar, and then I'm suddenly giving My All to Mariah Carey. Did anyone get that reference?

5. If I look like I'm dying inside I AM. Hell we all might end up looking like that. College is going to be hard, and I will be stressing. This might be why I'll stay in my bed some days questioning if I'm even gonna go to class, which leads to my next point.

6. Encourage me to go to class. There's no need waisting my time, and Georgia's money. Remind me that I got to get this degree so I can make this money 🤑.

7. My natural face w/o smiling is a low key mean mug. Don't take it personal, I'm the nicest person you'll ever meet. Don't let my friends tell you other wise, cause there WRONG!

That's about it. Basically give me time and I'll eventually open up to you. If I don't open up to you MAKE ME! 😊

If you're going to college, let me know where you plan on attending in the comments below!

~KingScorpio 👑

Twitter: @itsdex_
( Let me know if you came from here so that I can follow you back. Spam accounts are something serious!)

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