Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

[1st April, 2018]

Jessica ran as fast as she could. The hoards of corpse were slowly distancing away, but they would soon catch up if she didn't keep her pace.

The brunette ran for another ten minutes until she reach a motorway. One side was completely blocked by toppled, broken, old and abandoned cars.

Belongings were scattered everywhere, bags and bottles; even pieces of torn clothing were lying round.

Jess had a little while before the corpses would catch up, she took the opportunity to rummage the boots of the cars.

As she opened a few boots up, she held her knife at the ready incase of any nasty surprises.

The first to forth car had nothing but blankets and empty bottles.

The fifth car had a few filled bottles and a few untouched tins.

Jess had quite a bit of food left from her previous rummaging in the city; she would have stayed if those corpses didn't find her and Carla. Jess heard the distance sounds of groans from the corpses. She had to hurry.

She ran through the cars and searched for one with more accessibility.

There was a dusty blue car sat at an angle on the motorway, it looked safe, secure, and better yet if it had fuel in it then the car could easily moved from the rummage.

Jess ran over to it and swung the door open.

"Ughh" A corpse laid across the driver and passenger seat.

Its legs broken and its head had a large graze. Jess stabbed its head quickly and pulled it out of the car. While rummaging through this cars boot she found a red short sleeved checked top, it was clean and looked almost new. The owner must have nicked it from a store when this virus started. Jess checked the label, '16'

"Just my luck!" She chuckled as she slipped her dirty brown shirt off and into the new shirt.

Jess put her bag down and packed the food and the other clean clothes into the bag, incase she needed to find a new car or if she'd have to run. Her left arm was wounded, blood dripped down hand.

"Shit!" Her two week old wound bleed through the dirty bandage on her arm. Jess must have hit her arm during the rummage through the cars.

She pulled out her bag and searched for her roll of bandages.

"Ughhhh..." The corpses hoard was now closer. Still distant but close enough for warning. The brunette grabbed her bags and slipped under the car. She continued quietly, searching for the roll. She found it as the first set of feet trudged past the car.

She stayed quiet, slowly unraveling her bandage. She cleaned off her arm and placed a cleaner tissue onto the wound. She then wrapped a new bandage onto her arm, over the tissue and wound.

Stomp... Drag... Tap...

The hoard moved forward, Jess laid there watching the dead drag themselves across the motorway.

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