Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

[6th April, 2018]

The man in armour took his helmet off and smiled as he ran a hand through his hair, "Hello Carla."

It was Rodnie.

Carla stared at him, frozen where she stood.

"Are you okay?" The younger teen woman said, due to her appearance she looked a lot like Julia, Rodnie's younger sister.

Tears slowly dropped down Carla's face as she ran towards Rodnie. She pounded her fists onto his chest.

"YOU'RE LATE!!! YOU'RE LATE!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Carla sobbed, Rodnie wrapped his arms round her, holding her close.

"I'm sorry... But I thought your family was dead... Me and my father were almost killed getting into your house, we found blood everywhere... We thought the zombies got you." He sighed.

"You still are too late!" Carla cried.

"What do you..." Julia started. She looked round the streets, searching. In her hands a pair of black binoculars.

"Rodnie... I don't see anyone else."

Carla cried.

"Carla... Where is Jess?" Rodnie's voice became hard and cold as he spoke Jessie's name.

"She stayed behind to divert the corpses! She told me to run..." Carla's tears couldn't stop.

"..." Rodnie fell back, holding his face. "No... I just... No... She can't be! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT. I just found out that you were both alive... No... She can't be!"

Julia stepped closer to him, "Rod... Calm down... "

Rodnie shook his head and slammed his hands onto the floor.

"No. I will find her! She's a stubborn girl! She wouldn't give up! She can't be dead!" His voice growled.

"RODNIE!" A females voice yelled. This woman was tall, slim and in her late twenties. Her hair was shaggy and coloured light brown.

Rodnie's currently cold eyes turned and glared at the woman. Rodnie was almost curled up on the ground, his hands on fists as he was hitting the ground.

"What!" He snarled at her.

"Look at yourself!" She hissed, folding her arms.

Rodnie did so, his hands were on the verge of being broken, bleeding and all scattered up.

"You need to calm down. Now, please, introduce us to your young friend." She huffed. Carla stared at her, the woman seemed to be in charge.

Rodnie huffed as he sat up. "Carla, you know me and Julia, this lady is Sofia," He gestured to the shaggy haired brunette. "And this guy over here is John." Rodnie moved his hand gesturing to the larger man.

Carla nodded. "Nice to meet you all." She wiped her tears away.

"Sofia... please... We... I need to know if Jess is dead. Or Alive... or both. Just please! I need to know!" Rodnie pleaded.

Sofia shook her head, "Its as suicide mission! Where they were, there was obviously more than enough zombies to split them up. Sweetie... Where were you? And how long ago was it?"

Carla thought for a minute, "It was at least two weeks ago and... And I remember a sign saying Long Eaton..."

"That's not that far." Julia smiled. "Mind you, it's still a hell of a distance to run."

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