Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

[7th April, 2018]

'15th march 2016

Dear diary,

Carla is doing my headin! Seriously, mum got her a new 3Ds because she wanted a Ds that would allow her to play her new games. Since I'm stuck with the old version playing all the classic games she sitting on her bed giggling (quite evilly) holding her new Ds. Uggghhhhhhhh...

The only good thing is that I got to see Rodnie. He was his usual self, handsome, sweet, kind, strong - such a gentleman.

When we hung out down at the park, I got a little clumsy and tripped over the pole on the swing. I ended up twisting my ankle. He ended up carrying me home!! I know I'm heavier than I look but he carried me home on his back.

I don't think I like him anymore, I absolutely love him. He takes care of me and cares about me. I just wish we were something more...

Maybe one day.

A girl can dream.'

Rodnie chuckled remembering the day she fell over, he was chasing her because she stole his drink.

"Rodnie, you ready?" Sofia stood in the doorway of his room as he slid the notebook into his bag.

"Yeah. Let's head out." He slid the large backpack onto his back. Carla was pacing the main room.

In the building the group was staying in there were four bedrooms and one main room. The main room had two long dirty brown sofas with a small fireplace. Carla looked up as Sofia and Rodnie entered the room.

Julia and John had packed all their food into two bags. And spilt them between the two of them.

Carla carried her own stuff like the others. Julia kindly gave her a knife to replace the one she previously lost.

"Now, is everyone ready?" Sofia asked. Everyone gave a nod. "Now, out there is dangerous as we know. I still believe that this girl we are searching for will be either dead or one of those corpses. Rodnie, Carla, what will make this girl, your sister stand out against the dead?"

"Her hair and jewellery." Carla quickly replied. "She has bright crimson hair and an amethyst silver necklace." Carla looked up at Rodnie as he looked down with his eyes shut tightly.

"The necklace I got her..." He whispered, his voice broken.

"Rodnie, I hate to tell you but expect the worst and don't let your emotions get the better of you." John patted his shoulder as he moved towards the front door. "I'll go get the truck, we should make it there by nightfall." With that John left the room and went out.

"Everyone get ready to board the back." Sofia said as she pulled up her own bag as she tied her shaggy brown hair back.

"Carla, stay close to me. I won't lose you too." Rodnie held out his hand to the young girl.

"Okay." She nodded softly, trying to hold in her own emotions.

"You know, it's okay to cry." Julia knelt down beside Carla.

"I know, but I've done enough crying... The next time I cry... I want to be happy." Carla sniffed softly trying harder to conceal it all in.

Julia rubbed her head, unlike her sister, Carla had ginger hair, not red. Carla's hair was only a tint of red and that was when it was wet. The rest of the time it was sunny orange.

There was a engine roar outside, "GET GOING. RUN!" Sofia called from the door, getting the others to move quickly.

As the four ran out the front of the truck was almost covered in the dead. A few noticed them as Sofia opened up the back of the truck.

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