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I'm in love with Tyler! Shit what will I do? what am I gonna do? He's gonna hate me if he finds out. He's married. Shit I can't lose him.
I picked my phone up and dialed the one person I can count on in this type of situation.

"Hey Bren." I said anxiously when he picked up.
"Hey what's up Dun?" He asked.
"I need help bren I don't know what to do but....." I stopped for a second and looked to make sure no one was around, "Ithinkiminlovewithtylerandidontknowwhattodocausehesmarriedand-" that's where Brendon cut me off.
"Josh slow down and repeat that cause I couldn't understand a single word you just said." He told me. I sighed and put my hand over my face.
"I am in love with Tyler and I do not know what to do because he's married happily and I don't wanna ruin it." I said slower this time.
I heard him let out a breath and waited for his response.
"Have you told him yet?" He asked.
"No I'm fucking terrified that he'll....." I was cut off again this time by Mark coming and telling me we had 20 minutes till we had to start getting ready for the show. I nodded and turned back to my phone call.
"Hey Bren I gotta go I'll call you back after the show." I told him.
"Alright, I'll talk to you when you do good luck with the Tyler situation." He said.
"Yeah, thanks Brendon tell Sarah I said hi." I said and hung up.

I started walking towards Tyler and I's dressing room as Mark caught up.
"Hey josh." He said.
"Hey Mark." I said letting out a sigh. He was silent for a few seconds then finally spoke.
"Don't stress over it. Tyler most likely feels the same I mean he looks at you with more love than he does Jenna." He said and I stopped.
"You heard me talking to bren?" I said in a whisper.
He nodded. "Yeah, but you should tell him, you know how much he hates secrets and this is big man so tell him or....I will he deserves to know he is there for you and he won't leave you because of that." He told me.
"I'll try but it's just a-"
"JOSHYYYYYY!" I heard him yell and felt him jump on my back and could help the smile that found its way to my face.
"Hey ty." I said and hoisted him up onto my back.
"I was wondering where you went to." He said and jumped down.
"I just called Brendon and talked to him for a minute ty-guy" I said and followed him as he pulled me towards our dressing room.
"Okay well I got scared. Thought my best fren got lost." He said.
"I'm sorry next time I'll tell you next time so you don't get scared." I said and looked back at Mark with a look of  fear.

In Love With My Band Mate (JOSHLER) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن