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Lying in bed I couldn't clear my mind and I couldn't fall asleep. I was so used to having Tyler next to me cause we cuddle a lot. But now I don't have that and I don't even know if I have my best friend anymore.
My thoughts were interrupted by a small knock on the door. I swear to god if another clique member found us I'll scream.
I got up to answer the door to see Tyler on the other side with tears in his eyes.
"Hey hey ty what's wrong." I said pulling him to me in a hug which he immediately held onto me like I was his life line.
"I'm sorry I ran like I did and I'm sorry for avoiding you and pushing you away and switching rooms and everything. I'm sorry Joshy I'm so sorry." He said crying into my chest. (Lets just imagine he's taller than tyler)
I held him, gently rubbing his back. Something I knew comforted him.
"Shhhhh ty I'm right here. It'll be okay I'm not going anywhere." I told him in a quiet whisper.
I felt him nod against me.
"C-can we lay down I want my big spoon back" he whispered into my chest nuzzling farther into me.
"Of course ty cmon" I said pulling him in the room and pushing the door closed behind us. I walked us over to the bed and he crawled into the bed after taking his shoes off and looked at me.
"Uhm Joshy c-can I wear one of your shirts please. You're just very comforting to me and I want that right now and you pro-" he was rambling so I cut him off by pulling my shirt off and handed it to him.
"Tyler you don't have to ask, here." I said looking straight at him and I could've sworn I saw him blush.
"Thank you." He whispered and took it gently and removed his shirt and pants. I've seen him this way before we usually slept in our boxers but for some reason Tyler just wanted my clothes tonight. I watched as he slipped into my shirt which was a little big on him which made it even more adorable and he climbed into bed. 
I smiled softly and got in bed behind him and wrapped my arm around him spooning him as I always did.
I felt him turn in my arms and then his breath on my face because of how close he was.
"I'm sorry I hurt your feelings." He whispered.
"It's okay you're here right now." I told him.
"I just ran away from it and you're right I shouldn't have don't that I should've talked about it." He said tracing the tattoos on my arms.
I shivered as his fingertips ran across my skin.
"It's completely fine I just thought I had lost you." I said.
"Never Joshy I'll never hurt you again." He said.
I smiled and nodded and just like that I felt his lips on my cheek.
"Get some rest Dog Breath." He said and cuddled into me.
"You too Baby Boy." I said and kept my arms securely around his small body.
I heard his faint little giggle which was the most adorable thing I have heard in my existence.
"'Course Joshy, g'night." He said.
"Goodnight ty." I said and we fell asleep like that. In each other's embrace and slept peacefully that night.

In Love With My Band Mate (JOSHLER) Where stories live. Discover now