Chapter 8

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Cami's POV:

When we got home, everybody went to their rooms to put their stuff away. Niall and I went to our room. I took out the dress Niall bought me. It was gorgeous. I wanted to try it on so bad. I turned around, Niall was in his closet. It wasn't exactly walk-in, but it had space to move around in. Mine was a walk-in. I loved it. Anyways since he was inside I decided I could quickly change into the dress. I pulled off my shirt and then my shorts. I saw myself in the mirror, and frowned. I stood sideways. Oh my gosh I'm  an elephant.. I thought, rubbing over my stomach.

"Everything alright, babe?" Niall asked.

I looked over at him. "My stomach looks huge.." I said.

"What?! No it doesn't! Cami, you're skinny as a stick. If anything, you could use a few more pounds," he said.

"Uh-huh," I said, not believing him. I guess he knew that because the next thing I knew he was by my side, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You're are the most beautiful, stunning, unbelievably gorgeous girl I've ever seen. And I mean it," he said, looking me in the eyes.

I could tell he was being sincere. "Thank you," I said, then after a moment I added, "And your the most handsome, guy I've ever met..." I looked into his eyes and he pressed my lips against his. I kissed back, passionately. He lifted me by my thighs and I wrapped one arm around his neck, putting my other hand through his hair. I felt his tongue on my lips, and I let him in. We went on like that for awhile, then he walked over to his bed and laid me down, breaking this kiss. We were both panting, but he laid down next to me, and we went at it againn. I broke away, and rolled him onto his back, so that I was on top of him. I pulled off his shirt and threw it to the side. Then I leaned down and began kissing him again. He held my upper-thighs. That moment was so..amazing. I never wanted it to end. Then he pulled away, and kissed my neck, close to my ear. I moaned. Then he started kissing down my neck, lower and lower... I let out another moan.

"What the hell are you guys doing in there?! Open this door right now! I'm counting to three! 1..." we heard Louis say.

Quickly Niall broke away from me, we were both panting heavily.

"2.." Louis said, sounding menacing.

Niall ran to the door, while I covered myself up with his blanket. Niall swung the door open.

"Yes?" he said, still panting.

"Why are you breathing so heavy...and why don't you have a shirt on...? Where's Cami?" he said, pushing past Niall, into the room. His eyes got wide when he saw me, holding a blanket over myself. "Did you guys...did you..please tell me you didn't," Louis said.

"We didn't!" I said.

"Good...but god calm down..." he said, gesturing towards me and the blanket, "you're only-"

I cut him off, "I'm only sixteen, I know...what are you my mother?"

"Well, I do have custody of you," he said. I shut up, he had a point. "Whatever, just... get dressed and come downstairs. We ordered pizza.." Louis said, then left.

I walked to my pj drawer and pulled out my last pair. Some thin white shorts with big pink polka dots, and pink cami. Haha..cami..Cami.. Hilarious.. I pulled them on and turned around to see Niall in a gray white t-shirt and some gray shorts. "Ready?" he asked.

"Yup," I said. Then he came over and swept me off my feet, holding me bridal style."You don't have to carry me!" I said.

"I know, but I want to," he smiled, then walked out of the room and downstairs. Everybody was sitting in the living room eating pizza. Niall sat me down the went to the table. He brought back two plates, one for me with two slices of cheese, and the other for him with 4 slices of pepperoni. 

"You sure love your food," I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled and kissed me back.

" guys wanna play a game?" Harry said, smirking.

"Yeah, how about truth or dare?" Zayn suggested, with a mischievous look on his face.

"Umm..okay.." I said. What do they have planned..?

"Great, I'll start. Oh, and if you don't do a dare, or don't answer a truth, you've got to sleep out in the hallway tonight. Okay, Niall truth or dare?" Harry asked.

"Truth," Niall said.

"Okay, have you banged Cami yet?" Harry said.

"What?! No!" Niall said.

"Okay, okay, just wondering. Your turn." Harry said.

"Umm...Louis. Truth or dare?" Niall asked.

"Dare," Louis smiled.

"I dare you to.. kiss Harry on the cheek and post a picture of it on twitter saying "Boobear loves you Hazza," Niall said, smiling. I laughed, this is going to be good. 

"What?! Ugh.. fine. Here use my phone to take the picture," Louis said, handing Niall his phone. Then he turned and kissed Harry on the cheek. Niall snapped a picture, and handed the phone back to Louis. 

"!" Louis said, then paused. "Oh look "LarryStylinsonIsReal" is already trending."

Everyone except for Louis and Harry burst out laughing.

"Okay, okay. Umm...Zayn, truth or dare?" Louis asked.

"Truth," he said.

"What happened between you and that Amanda girl the night you didn't come home last week?" Louis asked.

Zayn blushed, "Oh..umm..well we know..did it. Then she made me leave the next morning, she told me it wasn't going to work out.." he said, looking at the ground.

"HA! TALK ABOUT A ONE NIGHT STAND!" I screamed, and bursted out laughing. The others did the same.

"Oh your gonna get it Cami," Zayn said, then looked over at Harry, who nodded. What the.. "Cami, truth or dare?"

"Umm...dare," I said.

He smiled, and reached behind the couch, pulling out an Ann Summers bag. Then he reached in, and took out a leprechaun costume. But it was no ordinary leprechaun outfit. No, it consisted of a little green hat on a headband, a skimpy green lace thong, and a low-rise green lace bra. "I dare you to go spend 7 minutes in heaven with Niall, wearing this only."

I gasped.

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