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He laughs. "Yeah man I know, sorry. I would've let you sleep in the spare bedroom but it's covered in all types of things and it was so late last night that I didn't wanna clean." He says sincerely, quickly going back to the now burning pancakes on the stove.

"Oh no man it's totally cool, place me wherever you want, it's your place, I don't mind." I say cooly, walking over to the small island in the quite petite kitchen and sit down. He snickers and looks over his shoulder at me quickly, looking back to the pancake to place it on the plate next to him.

I frown slightly at him but quickly release it as he turns around and hands me a plate. I look at it and look up at him, quickly telling him that he didn't have to make food for me.

"No it's fine, I wouldn't be a very good host if I didn't feed you." He smiles widely as he turns back around and starts to clean up. I smile lightly as I start to eat, spotting the butter laying next to a butter knife on the edge of the island. Once I finish eating I offer to clean my own dish but Dallon very quickly intersected to tell me that I really don't need to do anything and that's "it's totally fine."

I shrugged and went back to the couch. I fell back onto it, hearing a loud thump as I had contact with the hard cushion. I look over at my phone and pick it up, seeing that it was fully charged. I unplug it and unlock it, going through all my notifications. After about ten minutes, Dallon comes out of the kitchen and sits next to me, pulling his own phone out.

As I sit next to him, my body starts to feel quite weird.
I audibly sigh and see that Dallon noticed, looking over at me. After a few seconds he locks his phone and swings his body towards me, so his leg is up on the couch and his body is facing me. I look over at him with a slight frown, wanting to know what he's doing.

He looks down momentarily, looking like he's thinking. He quickly sighs out a short breath and stares me right in the eye.

"Dude I gotta tell you something." He finally says, making my suspicion raise.

"Yeah? What's up?" I say, turning to sit how he is. I throw my arm over the edge of the couch and then bring my hand up to rest my head on it. He quickly takes a deep breath and looks behind me.

"You're gonna think i'm so weird man." He rubs his eyes and frowns, looking like he's about to make the most important decision of his life.
"No no it's okay, tell me." I say, watching him try to wipe away his fears.

"Well, I... I sorta had this... dream..."

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