A New Precedent

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Sunday rolled around and Charlotte awoke will unease roiling in her stomach. She picked at her food at breakfast, and was listless to get dressed, but once they arrived at church, she squeezed her eyes shut tightly and prayed out her qualms through the entire service. Her mother and siblings were a tad surprised to see her so focused, piously sitting in the pew with her hands clasped together. Usually, she would have been squirming about restless, and ogling at everyone else, waiting for the chance to traipse off with her friends.

Annalise had happened to catch Edmund's eye a few times during the homily, and she was reminded that she had not seen him since she had declined his proposal. No doubt, the way he looked at her, he was keen on speaking to her after service. She could not deny the small flutters that upset her countenance whenever she saw him staring at her. It was obvious that he still liked her a great deal. She still did feel a tad sorry for letting him down, but she was entirely happy with her decision.

A sea of villagers flooded out of the large wooden doors and congregated outside instead after service. The morning was windier than usual, and women held onto their flowered and feathered hats lest they be blown from their heads. As per usual, Mrs Woodburn went in search of her friends to share gossip, and Annalise combed through the crowd for a familiar face.


Annalise spun around at the voice and made out the glowing face of Rose Webber, squeezing through the throng denizens. She smiled at the younger girl, clutching her reticule before her.

"Hello, Rose. I'm glad I could find you," said Annalise.

"I as well," the girl puffed, putting her hand to her stomach. "You have not been around as of late?"

"Yes; social calls are keeping me at my mother's side."

"Oh, I've heard," Rose chirped, inching closer. "You must be having a marvellous time! It sounds almost as fun as going to London, does it not? I've been stuck at home with nothing much to do."

Annalise smiled. "I'm sure nothing can replace the fanfare of London."

"So, I've heard you've caught the attention of a certain notorious London gentleman." Rose raised her eyebrows saucily and Annalise faltered. She pinched at her lace glove.

"Well, I'm not quite sure –"

"Annalise!" Edmund strode over to them and stood next to his sister, his face aglow with glee. "I was looking for you. It's much easier now that most of the congregation has dispersed." His eyes roved over her person. "You look well."

"Thank you, Edmund." Annalise offered him a smile.

"So, it has been a while since we've met, and I would like to know if you would still take me up on my offer," he continued. Annalise was thankful for the easy air between them.

She cocked her head to the side. "What offer?"

"To sing for us," he answered, smiling broadly. Then he said more quietly, "You could at least give me that pleasure."

She flushed at the hidden meaning between his words. "I will."

"Oh how wonderful!" Rose bounced on her toes. "Your voice is angelic."

"Indeed, it is," her brother echoed in agreement.

"Will you come over for a chat, Ann? I've been dying to have you to myself," Rose drawled. "There is plenty for us to talk about." She gave Annalise a knowing look, and the girl knew what she was in for.

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