Going Home (Part 1)

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Author's Note: I'm SO sorry about this update guys, this is only half the chapter. These past few weeks have bee very stressful for me as I'm transitioning from secondary (US: high) school to college, and everything is just a mess >-<. Hopefully, next week Tuesday will be the rest of this chapter, and then the Thursday of that week, I'll update a little extra surprise for you guys. After that, I need to go on a hiatus but I'll try to make it as short as possible.

Please enjoy and again, very sorry!


Boxing Day came around the next morning, anticipation clear from the men around the breakfast table. Thankfully, Mr Woodburn had recovered from his cold and was pleased that he too could attend the boxing matches. There weren't many things that the man enjoyed, but boxing was definitely at the top of his very short list.

"An acquaintance of mine has invited me to some boxing match tonight at his club," announced Alistair.

"I'd be more than happy to attend, if you are extending that invitation to the rest of us," Mr Woodburn quickly added in his quiet voice.

"Indeed, I am," Alistair replied.

"It's good to see you in good health and high spirits, Mr Woodburn. I was beginning to miss our conversations," said Mr Raleigh.

"Thank you."

"I'm sure we will not be missed tonight. The ladies will be sure to enjoy their company in the house."

"Of course we will," Mrs Raleigh quipped at her husband's side. "It'll be our last day together before everyone leaves for home as well."

And so, as the night descended upon Clyde Park, it was left in the keep of the women while the men went off to the club of Alistair's acquaintance.

Inside said club, enveloped in a dimly lit ambiance, tables and booths lined the walls. A well-lit stage stood in the centre. Cigar and cheroot smoke tinged the air with the heavy scent tobacco and gave the room a blue tint. Murmurs about the upcoming fight mingled with the clinking of crystal and throaty laughter, while girls of the night skirted round tables, occupied the laps of men and filled their fancies.

A medium height man with a thick moustache and a rotund stomach came swaggering towards the group. He smiled, cigar held between teeth, and he extended a hand to Alistair.

"Hume, I'm glad you came," he greeted.

"Yes well, I couldn't have stayed home with guests," replied Alistair, giving the man's hand a firm shake.

"Quite an entourage you have there indeed. Lucky for them, we've got some of our finest boys showing up tonight."

"As expected from you, Huntsley."

Huntsley turned next to the group. "Welcome to the Ace of Spades Club and Gaming Hell. It's a small business, but it pays the bills."

The gentlemen inclined their heads.

"Please, make yourselves comfortable," he continued. "I'll have a box of my finest cigars sent to your table."

"Much appreciated."

The five gentlemen found themselves in a comfy booth with tufted velvet as the seat covering. A server passed by, and they ordered some drinks. When the drinks arrived, so did the cigars.

"I can't remember the last time I've been here," James mused, looking around the dim room.

"I can tell you, it's been few years," Alistair replied, puffing at his cigar.

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