Chapter 3

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Regina walked into the emergency room entrance and went to the front desk.

"Emma Swan. I'm here to see Emma Swan."

"Regina!" Before the receptionist could get a word out, August who was down the hall yelled for the brunette. He looked absolutely horrible, he had a large gash on his cheek. The white shirt he wore under his blue uniform shirt had blood stains on it and all Regina could think was she hoped it wasn't Emma's. His eyes were full of sadness and exhaustion, she knew this wasn't easy on August either. She walked towards him immediately embracing the man who became a brother to her. August and Emma had met in the academy and had been inseparable ever since. He always vowed to Regina when they became partners that he would always protect his friend.

"August what happened? Where's Emma?" Regina tried to be calm but seeing the state August was in was worrying her more about Emma's state. "She's-she's alive right?" Regina's throat was so tight, having to ask that question was too much and tears began to flow down her cheeks. August hugged her tight as she cried in his chest.

"She's alive...but she's not good Gina."

"What happened? I don't understand. We talked not too long ago. She was fine!" August began to walk Regina towards Emma's room and tried to explain what had happened.

"We got a call for a domestic at Sidney's place." Regina groaned, Sidney had always been a pain in her ass. He stalked her when she came back to Storybrooke. Once she became Mayor she had even more trouble getting rid of him since he was the town journalist and reporter. When Emma came down to Maine she finally made him back off but he was still an annoyance for everyone. August stopped when he arrived at Emma's room and saw Dr. Whale beside her . Dr. Whale looked up at the two and walked over to them stopping either from entering the room as he closed the door behind him.

"Move. I need to go in there Whale."

"Regina I think I need to explain what's going on before you go in there."

"What's there to explain? She's alive, that's all that matters."

"Did August explain to you what happened?"

Regina sighed, she didn't want to hear the details. She wanted to just walk into that room and hold Emma and never let her go. When Whale saw the annoyance in her expression he sighed. "Emma was hit by a car today. When she arrived the damage was bad so we immediately rushed her into surgery to see the damage."

"Your point?!" Regina didn't want to hear any of this. Emma was fine, she was right there in that room waiting for her.

"We stopped the bleeding but the damage to her organs was severe.."

Regina's eyes shot up towards him, "What are you saying Whale?"

Whale glanced at August then back down to Regina, "All we can do now is make her comfortable.."

Regina shook her head, her anger increasing every time the doctor's words replayed in her head, "No."


"No! You go in there and fix her. You fix whatever is wrong, do you understand me?! Fix it!"

"Regina we've done everything. I'm sorry. Her body is shutting down, there's nothing we can do."

August stepped forward, "How long?"

"An hour, two the most." Doctor Whale patted August on the shoulder and walked away. Regina was frozen in place, her legs felt so heavy she couldn't move an inch. She stared through the window at the love of her life lying calmly on the bed. Her eyes were closed and breath even indicating she was asleep. Regina wiped her cheek as she noticed the cuts and bruises Emma had all over her face. Yet she still looked like an angel and now she was going to lose her angel for good.

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