Chapter 7

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9 Months After Moving In

Regina was in the kitchen putting away the leftovers from dinner, she was surprised to come home from work and find Emma had cooked her dinner. Emma had a delicious pasta prepared with a nice salad and bread sticks for the side. There were candles set on the table, the lights were dimmed, it was absolutely beautiful. However, Regina knew this meant Emma had something up her sleeve she just didn't know what it was. She heard footsteps coming up behind her and she turned to see Emma standing behind her with a mischievous smile. Regina knew something was up because she was wearing the pair of shorts Regina absolutely loves on her. They showed off her toned legs perfectly and all she had on top was a white tank top.

"What can I do for you Emma?"

"Well I wanted to talk to you."

Regina smirked as she continued to put plates away, "Oh? Is that why you are dressed a certain way?"

Emma couldn't stop the wide smile as she shrugged and hopped up on the counter, "Maybe. Why? You like?"

Regina closed the refrigerator door and turned to face her, "Off the counter, we eat on that. And I don't mind the outfit if you must ask. Now what did you want to discuss?"

Emma hopped off the counter and wrapped her arms around Regina's waist, "I want to go on a trip with you."

"A trip? Where?"

Regina thought Emma's face would split in half with how wide her smile was, she looked like a child opening gifts on Christmas.

"Disney World."

Regina raised a brow, "Excuse me?"

"Disney World. I want to go to Disney World with you."

"Emma, don't you think you are a bit old for that?"

Emma shook her head, "Nope. Plus they have stuff for adults too. Come on babe, it'll be so much fun I promise."

"When do you even plan on attending?"


Regina laughed shaking her head, "Now I know you are delusional. Emma we can't just plan a trip for tomorrow. You and I both have jobs, it just can't be done. So I'm sorry but the answer is no."

Emma kept that wide smile, "Actually it's all already planned out."

Regina stepped out of the blonde's embrace and place a hand on her hip, "Excuse me? What was that? I don't think I heard you correctly."

Emma shrugged, "I already bought the tickets and booked our hotel room. Plus I talked to Booth and he's covering for me and Mary Margaret is going to be temporary Mayor while you are gone. Everyone in town already agreed to be okay with it. It's all set. All you need to do is pack."

Regina was in shock, mostly with the fact that Emma had the capably to plan things correctly without her help but she couldn't show her she was impressed.

"So you planned everything without discussing it with me or seeing if I was even okay with it?" Regina knew it was mean to tease her like this but she couldn't help herself.

Emma's smile fell and she looked like a puppy who was caught making a mess and is trying to apologize to it's owner. "Wait are you...are you mad at me? Babe I thought you would like it."

Regina sighed shaking her head as she turned away and begin to head upstairs, "I just can't be it.."

"Wait babe!" Emma ran up the stairs and followed the brunette into the master bedroom. "Baby please don't be mad at me. I'll cancel it I swear."

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