Chapter 5

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Flashback: 3 months after Emma appears in Storybrooke..

Three months had past since Emma's arrival to Storybrooke. The last thing Regina had expected to see that evening was Emma Swan coming into her office. Three months later, Emma was now Sheriff of Storybrooke and living with August in a 2 bedroom apartment. After their encounter in her office, they both decided to talk during dinner at Grannys. It was a bit awkward at first. There was much to discuss but it wasn't easy for either of them. It's now been three months, the two have been flirting non stop but still hadn't talk about the serious things that happened in the past. Neither brought up how they were feeling now after everything that had happened. Even though they flirted, neither could decode the signs being thrown both ways. Regina was walking back and forth in her kitchen getting dinner ready. She had invited Emma over for dinner on Monday which the blonde happily agreed to. She promised to make her lasagna and famous apple turnover which the blonde was thrilled to hear. AS she opened the oven to check on the lasagna, the door bell rang.

"One moment!"

Regina quickly rinsed off her hands and walked to the mirror in her hallway. She quickly fixed up her hair and smoothed out the black dress that reached just above her knees. The v shaped neckline dipped low showing off her cleavage but not too much. She smirked knowing Emma wouldn't be able to keep her eyes off of her. She walks to the door, her red heels clicking against the floor and opens the door with a soft smile. However, her smile quickly fades.

"What are you doing here?"

Sidney smiled which just made Regina's skin crawl, "I was thinking I'd stop by and we could discuss a few things." Sidney's eyes raked over Regina's body and she instantly wanted to cover up.

"There is nothing to discuss that can't wait until Monday morning, plus I am expecting a guest."

Sidney nodded, "Yes I can tell..Did you know I was coming?"

Regina raised a brow, "Sidney. Don't push it. You are an employee that's all. I've made myself very clear before. I am not interested. So I think it's time for you to leave."

Before Sidney could respond a voice from behind him came through, "Everything okay here?"

Sidney's expression becomes hard and doesn't go unnoticed by Regina.

"Nothing at all Sheriff. I was just leaving. Have a good night Madam Mayor." Sidney turns around coming face to face with the town Sheriff. He glances down and notices the bouquet of flowers in her hands then looks back up at her. "Goodnight Sheriff."

"Night Sidney." The man walks away and once he was a good distance from the block, Emma turned back towards Regina and smiled. The brunette smiled back at her.

"Sorry about that. Sidney can be quite aggravating."

"It's no problem. These are for you," Emma extends her hand out showing the bouquet of roses she got for the brunette.

Regina smiled as she took them in her hands and smelled them, "They are beautiful, thank you."

Emma finally got a good look at Regina's outfit. She looked amazing, all the blonde could think about was getting her out of it. After all these years she still had the most amazing body the blondes ever seen. The past month, there had been a lot of flirting with the two and still neither had made a move for any type of physical contact. Emma hadn't been with anyone since Regina and while with Regina they never were intimate so the thought clouded Emma's mind often. Emma couldn't help but wonder how she would look out of that dress, how she would feel against her skin. Just the thought sent a chill down Emma's spine. Regina noticed the blonde staring and smirked. Mission accomplished. She cleared her throat getting the blondes attention.

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