Chapter 8

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Present Day

Emma had fallen asleep as Regina remained beside her, the doctor had stopped by pulling the brunette outside. Regina wasn't in the mood to speak with the doctor but maybe there was a change in her condition. Maybe there was hope that they could have that family and life they always spoke about. After talking to the doctor August poked his head out saying Emma was awake again and asking for Regina. Regina excuses herself and enters the room to see Emma sitting up on the edge of the bed. Regina quickly rushes over and kneels in front of the blonde.

"Baby why aren't you lying down?"

Emma smiles weakly as she met Regina's gaze, "I..I want to get married."

Regina tries to smile back, "And we will sweaty as soon as you get better."

Emma shakes her head, "No. I want to get married now..right here right now."

Regina runs her hand through Emma's blonde locks, "You want to get married now?"

Emma smiles and nods, "Yeah I do. Can we? Can we do that?"

"Yes baby. We can." Regina turns to August with a weak smile trying to keep her composure. "Can you ask the nurse to ask the chaplain to come up here please?" August nods lightly patting her shoulder and heads downstairs. Regina focuses back on Emma pulling the chair forward so she can sit right in front of her.

"Thank you," Emma said in a low raspy voice. Regina could tell her voice was getting weaker and lower and it was killing Regina. She was losing the love of her life minute by minute.

"Why did you want to get married now dear?"

Emma places her hand gently on Regina's cheek which the brunette instantly leans into the touch. "I know what's going on baby. I know and it's going to be okay."

Regina begins to shake her head, eyes filling up with water. "No...don't say that."

" it's okay. It's okay. I want to get married so that before things change we can say we did it. I was your wife and your were mine. I want that...I need it."

Regina wipes her cheeks and nods with a smile, "Okay baby. Okay..."

August returns moments later with the Chaplain and smiles at the couple.

"Now I hear you two are to be wed?"

Regina nodded, "Yes sir."

"It'll be my honor. The only request the doctor has however is that you remain in bed Miss Swan. Too much strain on your body is dangerous."

Emma nodded and was helped back into bed by Regina and August. The chaplain smiled and began to speak as Regina and Emma held hands. Emma has a big smile on her face as she looked into the eyes of her love. Regina was giggling a bit at how childish Emma could look even though their situation. It was time for the rings and both sets of eyes go wide.

"Aye no worries, I was gonna surprise you guys when you set an official date but now is better than ever, "August smiles as he goes over to his bag and pulls out two blue velvet boxes. He had bought diamond wedding rings for them as a gift. He opened both boxes and they smiled up at their friend.

"Thank you August," Regina said as she took both rings and handed one to Emma.

"Now if you have any vows you'd like to say. You may say it now."

Regina held onto Emma's hand tight and took a deep breath letting it out slow. "Emma dear Emma. We met many years ago at our University and we spent the entire night just talking to one another. From that moment on, I knew I needed you in my life. You've showed me a love like no other. I know I can never find anyone who will be able to make me feel like this. I want you forever...forever and always. Through the good and the bad and the ugly. We'll grow old together and always remember whether happy or sad or whatever. We'll still love each other...forever and always."

As Regina finishes her vows the beep on the machine begin to become much slower and Emma's eyes are starting to slowly close.

"Emma! Emma baby, stay awake okay. August get the doctor now!"

Emma held onto Regina's hand and placed a soft but deep kiss on Regina's lips, "Shh it's okay.. I need you to know this...You are..such an amazing woman. The best I've...I've ever met. You deserve the world you here me..I want you to be happy. I want you to have a family..I want it all for you. I'll love you forever....forever and always. Please just remember even if I'm not there. I'll always love you..forever and always..."


6 Years Later

"Henry Daniel Swan! You stop jumping on the bed this instant! Now come downstairs."

The four year old toddler ran down the stairs with a large smile on his face and rushed into the kitchen where Regina was packing a few snacks for him. She turned to see him bouncing up and down full of energy and she smiled.

"Go get your coat, we have to go see Mom."

"Okay mommy!" He skipped over to where his jacket was hanging and put it on. Regina grabbed his lunchbox and her purse and walked into the living room. She put on her jacket and held out her hand to Henry.

"Come on sweetie. Let's get going." Henry placed his small hand in hers and they left the house and got into the car. They take a drive, the same drive Regina takes every year. The pull up and park the car. Regina exits the car and takes Henry out of his car seat and holds his hands as they walk up the hill. They come to a stop and Regina smiles down.

"Say hi to Emma sweetie." Henry looks up at Regina pulling out the small crushed up flower he had in his pocket and looks back down at the tombstone that has the name 'Emma Swan Mills. Devoted Wife, Friend, and Officer. Forever and Always in our hearts'. Henry placed the flower on the ground and smiles innocently.

"Hi mama. So I's fours now and mommy got me a bike! It's red and I gos super fast. Mommy said I can't bring it here so maybe laters. Mommy showd me the picture from Disney World and she say we going when it's summer! I's so happy." Henry smiled wide and turn to Regina, "Mommy can I have apples now?"

"What's the magic word?"


Regina smiled and handed the toddler his lunchbox. She kneels down beside the tombstone placing a rose on top of it and gently traces the name engraved.

"Hello dear. I'm sorry I couldn't make it on your birthday but Henry had the flu. I miss you...I miss you everyday love, but I kept my promise. I plan on traveling once Henry is older..we have a family now just like we always planned. He loves when I tell him stories about you and all the foolish things you would do." Regina smiled as she glances over at Henry who was sitting on the grass eating his sliced apples, "He's a lot like you. It's like you are physically with me every day and night. I love you Emma and I know we'll see each other soon." Regina kissed her two finger tips and pressed them to Emma's name.

Hope you guys enjoyed the story guys.

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