Chapter 4

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2 years ago - Storybrooke

"So this is Storybrooke.." Emma got off her bike and glanced around Main Street.

"Yeah, it's actually looking for a sheriff. Thought you'd want the job."

After completing the police academy and joining the force, August had been trying to convince Emma to leave New York. Her and Regina had broken up and she was a complete mess. Less then a month after the break up, Regina had moved back to Storybrooke like her mother demanded. Once Regina left, Emma only focused on her police work. However, 6 years had passed since Regina and Emma last spoke or saw each other, but Cora Mills was still making Emma's life difficult with the police force. It wasn't until the news of Cora's passing did Emma finally get a chance to get a task bigger then monitoring construction sights. The chief was still giving her a hard time however, it wasn't until August quit the NYPD that she realized she couldn't do it without him. She soon quit the NYPD as well and now was standing next to her best friend in Storybrooke, Maine. August knew it was a long shot trying to convince the blonde to come to the town her ex girlfriend was the Mayor of but to his surprise she agreed. August was now standing by his best friend eyeing the town they were considering making their new home.

"Sheriff, huh? You going to be my deputy or something," Emma smiled as they began to walk towards a diner called Granny's."

"Deputy Booth? I like the sound of that. I'll be like Billy the kid."

They shared a laugh as they entered the diner and took a seat at an empty booth on the side. They were immediately greeted by a gorgeous brunette with red ruby lips.

"Well hello there," August smiled up at the waitress.

She giggled and smiled back, "Hi. My name is Ruby, what can I get you two today?"

"He'll most likely take your number but I'll take a cheeseburger and a Pepsi," Emma smirked as she put the menu aside. Booth's eyes went wide as he looked over at his 'so called' best friend who was not being a supportive wing man at the moment.

August cleared his throat and looked up at Ruby, "I'll have the same with an ice tea instead. Thanks."

Ruby nods as she writes down the order, "You two are new here. Where you from?"

"New York."

Ruby smiled, "Yeah I got that vibe." She left to place their order and attend others.

August looked over at Emma and smiled, "So are you nervous?"

"Nervous? For what?"

"Don't play dumb with me Swan."

Emma gave him a blank look causing him to groan, she could be so dense at times. "Are you nervous to see Regina again you idiot."

"Oh! Why would I be nervous? It's just Regina. Plus we don't even know she's still here."

August rolled his eyes, "Dude she's here. Saw that freaking mansion we passed by before. Only she'd live in a palace like that."

Emma shrugged, "Whatever. I'm not nervous. If I see her, I'll say hi and be civil."

"Em- when she left you were a wreck. For the longest time all you wanted was to see her again. Don't act like this doesn't mean anything to you."

Ruby came back with their orders placing them in front of them, "Enjoy guys."

"Hey Ruby!" August quickly called out stopping the waitress in her tracks, "Quick question. Who's the Mayor?"

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