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It's been about seven years since I was supposed to become Mrs. Styles. Personally, i've never felt better. I moved away from London and finally decided to finish my "worthless" degree as he called it. A few months after graduation I landed my dream job. The only down side is I had to move back to Holmes Chapel. Despite there being some skeletons in my closet back home I'm not giving up this job.

"Well that seems to be all of it." My best friend, Jay, muttered as he tucked in through the doorway of our small flat. He peered around sadly, seeming to take mental note of every gap where my items used to be.

We moved together shortly after Harry and I split. We had always planned on rooming together — years before everything happened.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I said through my frown. It didn't truly hit me until this very moment that I was really leaving. My heart ached at the thought.

"I'll miss you too, but I'll be visiting in a month, remember?" I nodded throwing my arms around him into a tight hug. "Cant breathe." I chuckled softly letting him go. Small tears formed at the brim of my eyes, threatening to fall any moment.

"This isn't goodbye." Jay stated, nodding affirmatively. "We'll see each other soon, so don't start crying. You might stain the rug."

I choked out a small laugh, "At least you'd have something to remember me by"

He laughed softly stepping forward to wrap his arms around my waist mine snaking around his neck as he bend down, "I don't need a tear stained rug, love. I could never forget you."

The last few weeks since I'd accepted the job offer had flown by I barely had time to think but in this moment, with his arms wrapped around me, the faint beat of his heart in my ears it felt as time had come to a stop.

"Thank you for everything, Jay." I whispered, afraid if i spoke too loud time would begin to speed by.

Jay said nothing in return but he gave me a small tight squeeze and that was enough.


"That'll be 40 pounds ma'am." I nodded handing the cab driver my money muttering a quiet thank you before getting out of the cab. My mom came running out of her house to greet me, a messy kitchen apron wrapped tightly around her waist.

"Honey! You're really here!" She shouted as she made her way over to the cab, " You have no idea how long seven years is to wait to see my beautiful baby!"

"Mom-" I whined as she smothered me with hugs and kisses. "This is so embarrassing."

"Sissy!" A small voice came from the doorway my mother had just ran from. I quickly peaked over her shoulder to see my younger sister, Javelin, making her way over to us.

"Javey! Oh i missed you so much!" I scooped her up quickly as she got close, "Look at you! You've gotten so big!"

I peppered her face with kisses, loud giggles erupting from her chest.

"What have you been up to huh? Getting into lots of trouble?" She shook her head immediately. She had always been my moms perfect child, she wouldn't dare to break even the tiniest of rules.

"She's been just an angel per usual," My mom said grabbing my bags from the back of the cab, "But uhm.. Harry did stop by to see us."

"He what?" I turned to look at her, setting my sister down so she could run back inside.

"Harry stopped by," She repeated, "We had a cup of tea. He asked how Javelin and I were doing — and you of course."

After so many years why now show up - unannounced in fact. My stomach twisted at the thought of possibly seeing him again. I wonder if he ever did cut his hair or if he got that tattoo. I shook my head, riding my mind of him and made my way inside.

"Do we have plans for dinner?" I questioned as I entered the kitchen. My mom turned to face me, a large silver bowl in her hands. It had been awhile since I had eaten one of her home cooked meals. I hoped they were as good as I remembered.

"Grilled shrimp, garlic mashed potatoes and some steamed broccoli." She replied as she set the bowl down. "Your favorite, remember?"

As I went to respond Javelin came running into the room. Her cheeks flushed and she was panting. "H-Harry's here f-for you, S-Sissy." She sputtered out, her lack of breath making sense now. I peaked down the long hallway towards the front door. Javelin had left it slightly ajar and I could see the all too familiar brunette standing just inches away from the door frame.

I walked quietly to the door, my mind instantly running wild.

Why is he here?

Did someone tell him I was moving home?

"Kaelin? It's me, Har-" My chest ached at the sound of his voice. All the questions in my head being washed away by memories of him.

"Why are you here?" I snapped sharply, finally looking up at him. He was wearing the blue jacket I had bought him for his 24th birthday. I'm shocked he still has it, I thought he would've thrown it away.

He took a step back as if he was surprised by my question, taking a brief pause before responding. "I need to talk to you."

"You had seven years to try and talk to me, why now?" I snapped again, glaring at him slightly. He went to speak but was interrupted.

"Kaelin! Dinner!" My mom hollered from the depths of the house. I silently thanked her for the interruption. I had kept my composure for this long but I was slowly cracking. The longer I stood here In front of him the more memories — our memories flashed before my eyes.

"I have to go." I muttered as I slowly began to shut the door. His eyes snapped up quickly reaching his hand up to keep the door from closing.

"I miss you." He pleaded, his eyes locked with mine, "I love you."

Something inside me snapped. I reached forward pushing him back quickly slamming the door before he could say anything else.

My pulse rose quickly as I watched him walk away through the blurred glass of the front door.

"Fuck you." I muttered to myself, secretly wishing he was still standing before me to hear it. "Fuck. You."

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