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*One a week Later*

"Harry, I think I need to visit the doctor." I say trying to hide the pain in my voice. Me and Harry only went on a 5 day honey moon since I'm full of cancer and pregnant and Javelin hates it when we're gone for long periods of time.

"Why babe?" He asks sitting up.

"My head hurts and the nose bleeds are back."

"Okay, um, go grab your coat and I'll start up the truck." I nod and waddle back into mine and Harry's room grabbing my coat and lacing up my shows before rejoining Harry.


"We're just gunna do a quick CAT scan to check on the cancer and after we'll do a check up on baby Styles." I nod as I lay down on the machine. I hate doing this, because one, it takes forever and two, the machine makes an annoying sound.

[45 minutes later]

"While we wait for the results let's check on the little one." I nod as the nurse comes in. The cool gel give me goosebumps as the nurse rubs it around. I watch as she looks around and writes stuff down.

"It looks like you should be having your baby any day now." She says. "I think we should keep you here- it'll be easier on you and the baby."

"Can you tell how many days it'll take?" Harry asks smiling down at me.

"The way she looks now about three or four, but we can never be sure." Harry nods placing a kiss on my nose. "I'll get a room ready for you." I nod as I grab a paper towel to wipe off the gel and sit up.

"Well baby Styles, you'll be joining us soon." Harry says kissing my belly. "Babe, we still need a name." I giggle and lean over to Harry's ear and whisper the name. "I love it babe!"

"Mrs.Styles, the room is ready if you please follow me." I nod as Harry helps me down and follow the nurse out.




"Hey Nialler!" I chirp into the phone.

"Hey Hazza, what's up?"

"Just in the hospital, guess what?"

"W-What?" Niall asks, worry in his voice.

"Kaelin's gunna have the baby soon!" I bubble a huge smile craved into my face.

"Oh my god! Me and Kat are getting the next flight there!" Niall states.

"Oh yea! Kaelin would love to see Kat!" I say looking over at my sleeping wife.

"Okay Kat booked the flight, we'll be there tomorrow around three!"

"Jesus Niall, how did you get a flight so fast?" I ask running my hand threw Kaelin's hair.

"Don't ask just be happy!" Niall giggles.

"Okay Niall, I gotta call my mum, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, see ya soon!" I nod then hang up. I decide to call my mum later because I was fascinated by how cute Kaelin looks when she sleeping.

Her lips purse into a open line, her cheeks have a faint crimson color lining the cheekbones. Her hair is in a perfect messy bun a top of her head and her eyes are still lined with the make up Makayla came and put on her when we got home.

Slowly I raise my hand to sweep a strand of fallen hair when her eyes flutter open. "Harry?" Kaelin's voice mumbles.

"Yeah babe?" I ask grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers.

"It hurts." She says shooting up. "H-Harry! Call the nurse!"

"Nurse!" I scream running to the front desk. "Nurse help! Kaelin....pain....come!" I don't wait for an answer before I take off back to Kaelin who is now screaming in pain. "Breath Kay, just breath." I say attempting to calm her.

"What's wrong?" The doctors voice says and she joins me by Kaelin.

"She was sleeping until she shot up and was in horrid pain." I say as Kaelin digs her nails into my hand. "She..fuck.. She's digging her nails into me." Quickly the doctors frantically race around till they find the source of the pain.

"She in labor, we need you to go get suited up and Joe will take you to the delivery room." I nod as Joe hands me the ugly blue scrubs. I don't waste any time throwing them on before rushing back to Kaelin's side.


"One last push Kaelin." I say as Kaelin gives it her all. A tiny cry sends a wave of relief threw the room. I watch as the doctors hand Kaelin our baby before taking her away to clean her up.

"What's her name gunna be?" The doctors asks as he fixes Kaelin up.

"Babe?" I ask turning to Kaelin.

"Violet." She says smiling.

"Middle name babe?" I ask as she shrugs. "How about Darcy Ann?"

"Violet Darcy Ann Styles?" She says before smiling. "Perfect." I smile as I watch the nurse bring over little Violet, placing her in Kaelin's arms. "We need to get Javelin down here to visit her." Kaelin says as she places a soft kiss to Violet's forehead.

"I love you Kaelin." I say smiling as I look down to my family, "more than anything."

"I love you too Harry." She says handing me Violet. "And she loves you too." I smile as she quickly opens her tiny eyes.

"She has my eyes!" I chirp as Violet let's out a mumbling noise. "And your nose babe." I bubble as Kaelin giggles.

"Okay Styles family, your all set, let's go get you settled in your room!" The nurse chirps rolling Kaelin out of the room, me following behind with Violet and her roller bed.

This is perfect. Who would of ever though just a few months ago that this was gunna happen. I swore Kaelin was going to ignore me for the rest of her life but look at us now? Proud parents of Violet Darcy Ann Styles, and Javelin Marie Jo Styles. I couldn't be happier.

This is where I belong


That is the end of Unspoken Words! It's been a long journey but we made it! I wanna thank all of your guys for your reads and votes it means a lot to me and I'm so proud to of written this! You guys are such a big put in this story because with out you I'd be a lonely girl writing to no one on her laptop! I love you guys to the moon and back 1000002938329£3929202 time! Thank you again! I LOVE YOU!!!



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