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"How does my tie look?" Niall asked for the fifth time today.

"It looks f-fine Niall." I stated. Today was Louis's wake, and I could barley stay strong.

"Harry, are you sure you okay?" I nodded.

"I'm fine." Hah, biggest lie I've ever told.

"Okay." Niall said, his tone was uneven so I knew he didn't believe me. "Let's go find Kaelin and Bree." I sighed and followed Niall out of his room where all the guys got ready.

We walked into the large living room and saw the girls. As always, Kaelin looked amazing, and today she looked happy. I'm so proud of her, threw all of this chaos she still managed to be on top.

Kaelin had on a knee length dress, red. Which was quite strange, also when I looked to Bree she had a red dress on as well. "Aren't you supposed to wear black to a wake?" I said startling the girls.

"Jesus Harry!" Bree exclaimed.

"Louis said when he died he always wanted me and a friend to wear red, because it was his favorite color." I sighed.

"It's disrespectful to wear colors."

"But it's also disrespectful to Louis if I don't." Kaelin said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Okay, okay, sheesh." She giggled and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Are we all ready?" We all nodded heading out to the car. Silently I attempted to prepared my self to see Louis's lifeless body, but I knew I wouldn't be able to.


"We are gathered here today in memory of Louis Tomlinson. Louis was a friend, a son, a co worker, and a dad. Louis was friends to many, in Louis's last wishes he requested Harry Styles, Kaelin Jone, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, and Cambree Channers to speak." The priest said. "Which of those would like to go first?" I watched as Kaelin uneasily raised her hand. "Then, come on up." Kaelin silently walked up to the podium and began a speech.

"Louis, was a friend to me, and so many others, Louis was a kind man and a loving friend. Anything Louis would say or do would brighten your day. Louis, and I, didn't know each other well but I still love him like a brother. Louis, will be missed, be me, his friends, his family, everyone. Thank you." Kaelin quickly walked back to me.

Next Liam went. Then Niall, Zayn, Bree and then.... Me.

"Hello I-I'm Harry. Louis was my best friend. Me and Louis did everything thing together, I mean everything. If you ask his mum she'll tell you we were always together and causing chaos." I watched as everyone starred back at me, their eyes shined with tears and filled with pain. "Louis, was, a brother to me. Louis would always say the right thing and he always told the truth, even if it pissed you off. Louis, will be missed by his friends, his family, and me, his best friend." I muttered a quick thank you before joining Kaelin back in the third row.

"Thank you all for speaking on Louis's behalf today." The priest said. "Now, I will dismiss you row by row, you may say goodbye to Louis, place a rose or a object of sentimental values with him." Row by row people were dismissed. When my turn came I wasn't ready to say goodbye.

I looked down at Louis's lifeless body. His brown hair still gleamed with life but we all knew he was gone. I smiled at my best friend, even though it hurt. I placed a black rose on his chest, In between his hands and our teddy bear we shared since kindergarden beside his torso. I slid my finger down his cheek one last time before turning to go. "I love you brother." I said walking away from my best friend.


Aw! When Harry said 'I love you brother' ! Need holy water

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