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Do you ever get a feeling in your stomach when you know something bad's just about to happen? Like your feel your stomach do a flip and tie into serval knots, yeah I'm getting that right now.

"Cam? mom?" I say as I creep deeper into the house. "Where'd you go?" I looked in my moms room but found a note instead.

"Me and Bree are going out, we should be home tomorrow at some time. Dinners in the fridge. Be safe! Love Mum and BREE XD.".

Lovely. I've been home for two days and they already run off. Just peachy. Now looks like I'll be alone till tomorrow. I hated being alone in our house, I always got the feeling I was being watched. One time I swore I saw a man outside my window, my mum still calls me crazy.

I decided to text Harry, since I was bored.

"Hey Harold."

I smiled at his quickly he responded.

"Hey kat face."

"Thanks for that Harold."

"No problem, so what's up?"

"Oh nothing just being bored home alone because Bree and my mum left :("

"I would come over but were remodeling the house."

"Harry, I think I heard something outside."

"Your going crazy."

"Now I'm serious. It's coming from outback."

"Just come over and leave it alone."

"Too scared to leave the house, come get me?"

"Ugh! Lucky I love you, be there soon."

"Thanks! Bye xx."

I threw my phone back on the couch and decided to flip on the TV. I was watching Adventure time when a loud bang came from the backyard. I quickly pulled my knees to my chest and mumbled some comforting words.

It was only five minutes after the loud band came when a knock came on the door. I shot up happy Harry was here but when I looked threw the peep hole there was no Harry but all tall man, in all black.

I slowly crept away from the door and grabbed a knife from the kitchen. "I know your in there, open the door." The man called, I stayed quite my gripe tightening on the knife. "Common Kaelin." How did he know my name? I wanted more than anything for Harry to come and the man to flee but Harry's house was 20 minutes away so I'd have to put up with this man for another 18 minutes top.

"Go away." I croaked, hearing an evil chuckle emerge from behind the door. "Please."

"Not gunna happen love, now open the door so we can talk." I told myself to just sit down and ignore the man but a part of me wanted to know why he was here.

"My boyfriend will be here soon and he'll beat the shit outta you." I warned.

"Who Harry? You really think Harry could beat me up?" He let out another evil chuckle. "Never in a million years."

"How do you know me and Harry?" I asked walking closer to the door.

"I know all of your little friends. Cambree, Zayn, Niall, Louis, Jay,Harry, all of them."

"I didn't ask you who you knew it want to know how you know us." I snapped.

"Don't get prissy with me love." I rolled my eyes. "I know everything about you, and your 'friends'."

"How." I asked again, now leaning against the door.

"Because, all I need to know is one person and I have all access to you."

{Harry's POV}

I was driving to Kaelin's when I got a text from her.

"Harry, there's a guy at my door. HURRY!!"

I didn't wait to text her back I sped off. Soon I was at Kaelin's and like she said there was a guy at her door.

"Hey, get away from there!" I called making him turn around.

"Hello again Harry." I knew the voice, how could I forget it.



CLIFFHANGER! Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Anyways yes it is Harry's dad, so WUT! Heheh lol whelp bye!!

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