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"What the fuck!" I cursed as we walked threw the door. "Why does everything look normal?"

"Maybe Makayla actually did a good job at watching our house." Kaelin said before we both broke out into a fit of laughter.

"Why are you two laughing?" Makayla asks appearing in front of us.

"Oh nothing." Kaelin says standing up straight. "You did a good job with the house."

"Thank you, oh I also put Javelin down for bed, Liam's mum brought her back earlier." I smile.

"Holy shit Kay, you actually kept the house clean for more that five minutes." Makayla's smile fades.

"So you thought i couldn't keep your damn house clean?" I nod. "Well listen here pretty boy, i cant keep a fucking house clean and....yeah."

"Guys," Kaelin pauses. "Was their always that hole in the wall?" I look behind Kaelin and see a gaping hole in the wall.


"Shit, I swear I didn't- that wasn't here before! I swear!" I sigh and walk to the hole.

"Looks big enough for a human to squeeze threw." I say, tracing over the hole. "Did you hear anything while alone?"

"Um a few little creeks here and there but I just thought it was from me walking down the hallway." I sigh.

"Either a huge rat ate our walls or someone wanted to get in the house." Right as I say that we hear a ear piercing scream coming from Javelin's room. Quickly I blot up and run to her room. The windows open and Javelin's balled up in the farthest corner. "Javelin! What happened!" I say picking her up and holding her close.

"Daddy, a bad man came in here a-and I can't speak daddy!" She cries into my shoulder. I sigh and whisper comforting worlds into her ear as Kaelin and Makayla finally get into the room.

"What happened!" Kaelin asks running to me.

"Javey says there was a guy in here and she didn't get to finish telling me." I say.

"Harry, we need to move, like now." I nod.

"We don't have that kind of money babe," I pause. "We'd have to stay with someone so I could go back to work."

"You guys to stay with me and Luke?" Makayla offerers.

"Makayla we couldn't-"

"Me and Luke would be lucky to have you guys." I smile.

"It's settled. We're moving in with Makayla."


[Three Days Later]

"Thanks again for letting us stay here Makayla." Kaelin says for the fifth time today.

"No problem, when I told Luke he was so happy." I smile. Javelin never actually got around to telling us who was in her room but I guess, it doesn't matter now. Makayla and Luke's house is huge! It's two stories with a golden finish- it looks like we just moved to California.

"Your house is amazing!" Kaelin beams as we step out of the car.

"It's Luke's, he and his band wanted a chill place so they got this but the other guys wanted their own places so me and Luke too over this." I smile. Before I can process I see a flash of brown then I'm knocked down on my bum and my face is being licked. "Mouse! Off!" Makayla shouts as the dog backs off. "Sorry about Mouse, he's a licker,"

"I didn't know you guys had a dog." Kaelin say petting Mouse.

"Yeah Luke bought him last month from a man off the streets, believe it or not he was actually really tiny when he bought him." I smile as I stand up.

"where will me and Kaelin be sleeping?" I ask, wrapping my arm around Kaelibln's waist.

"Yours and Kaelin's room is down the hall from mine and then Javelin's is right next to yours." Makayla says.

"Now where exactly is that?" I ask, receiving a playful slap from Kaelin.

"Luke! Get out here!" Makayla yells. Soon we're joined by Luke.

"Yeah babe?" He asks smiling like a moron.

"Will you please show Mr.Impatient to his room." Luke nods waving a hand to me so I will follow. Quickly I give Kaelin a kiss on her head and follow Luke down the hallway.

"Okay so your room is here, it's pretty basic, you've got a bed, a desk, a dresser, a closet, a bathroom and...... A door." I nod looking around the room. "Um I'll see you guys at dinner." Before I can answer Luke's gone and I'm alone. Living here will be fun....... I hope.

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