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I've always thought about how easy it would be to jump. How easy it would be to die with just one slip. I wanted to do it, many times before too but I couldn't. I needed to be alive, I needed to stay by Kaelin's side threw all her hurt ever though mine makes me wanna jump. I climbed down off the bridge ledge and started to walk home.

What of id jumped?

What would happen then?

How would Kaelin take it?

How would my family take it?

I pushed those thoughts into the back corners of my mind. I just needed to see her, i needed to hold her and all my pain would seem to go away. Yeah, that sounds about right. I changed my pace into a jog then before I knew it I was on a full sprint home.

"Harry!" Kaelin exclaimed throwing her arms around me. "I thought."

"Shhh." I said rubbing her back. "Shhh."

"Harry, why did you go there?" She asked after a minute of silence.

"I wanted to clear my head a bit, but I'm back now." I let my hands drag threw her messy hair seeming to calm her.

"Harry!" I heard Liam say from somewhere in the room. "Your back!"

"Yeah I am." I couldn't help but smile at his excitement. "Now how much id love to stay and chat in knackered, so I'm going to bed." The all nodded as I walked away.

"Kaelin? You coming?" I asked she shook her head.

"I'm gunna get something to eat, change my band aides then i'll be in." I nodded and took off down the hallway.

As I lied awake I thought.

Why didn't I just jump?

My life would be easier then, right?

No one needs me

No one ever has

And then Kaelin walked in and I realized. She needed me. She actually needed me, and knowing that made me feel great.

"Harry, can you hold me?" She asked once in bed beside me. I didn't answer I just wrapped my arms around her waist and hers laid on my chest. "Harry, why didn't you jump?"

"Because, people need me." I chuckled. "You need me."

"I do need you." And before I knew it we were both fast asleep. I wanted so badly to jump but as Kaelin said she needed me.


I woke wanting to pull Kaelin closer to me but when I reached out I got; Nothing. I shot up and looked around. No Kaelin. I decided she must be in the living room so I got up. When out in the living room there was no Kaelin.

"Atticus, Where's Kaelin?" I asked shaking my sleeping brother.

"She went on a run." He mumbled.

"Where?" He groaned.

"Somewhere near the old bridge, now leave me the hell alone!" He said rolling back over on the couch. I quickly grabbed my shoes and jacket and ran for the woods.

I made it to the bridge and saw Kaelin, but she wasn't on the bridge she was down by the water on the rocks. I ran quickly down there.

"Kaelin! Kaelin!" I shouted shaking her life-less body. "Kaelin!" Nothing. I quickly ripped out my phone and called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Help it's my girlfriend, she's not breathing!" I yelled panicking.

"Sir calm down, where are you?"

"By the Old Mackenzie bridge, Hurry!" Without and answer I hung up and attempted to awake Kaelin.

About ten minutes later the paramedics came and took Kaelin to the hospital, I went with her of course. While driving I called Liam and Atticus, telling then to meet us there.

Kaelin was rushed into the ER and was seen quickly. I sat in one of the uncomfortable waiting chairs.

"Harry!" I heard Liam exclaim. "We got her as quick as we could, where's Kaelin?"

"In the ER, Liam do you think she jumped?" I wanted to cry.

"I'm not sure Harry, Atticus when did she leave this morning?"

"Around six and Harry came to get her around eight so." I rolled my eyes as a doctor walked up.

"Mr.Styles?" I nodded. "Kaelin would like to see you." I nodded quickly following him to Kaelin's room.

"Harry." She croaked her voice weak.

"Kaelin!" I rushed to her bedside. "What did you do this?"

"I wanted to fly."


Yes Kaelin's hipped up in drugs LOL! whelp Jenn do. not.kill.me.please.

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