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[Harry's POV]

It's been three days since me and Kaelin kissed. I never knew what it felt like to miss someone so badly until now. I can barley eat.

"She hasn't texted or called me." I wine as I run my hand threw my hair.

"I'm sure she's just busy Harry, don't worry." Atticus failed to comfort me.

"Your comforting isn't working by the way." He nodded.

"I got that." My heart jumps when my phone lights up but my smile fades once I read the name; Liam

"What Liam!" I basically yell.

"Whoa sorry but I wanted to know if Atticus needs anything from the store?"

"Call him I'm not your messenger." I took the phone from my ear and hung up. "Im going out, i'll be back."

I jump up and walk out the door. The cool air relaxes my warm face. I tuck my hands deeper into my jacket as I walked further down the street.

Soon I arrive at Kaelin's. I slowly walk up to the door and knock. I wait a bit till Cambree whips open the door.

"Oh Harry, um Kaelin's out at the moment." She says keeping her attention on Javelin inside.

"Where is she?" I ask. "Please tell me."

"Down at the café, now I gotta go bye." With that she shut the door. I turned quickly and headed down of the café.


The warm air hit my cold face as I entered the small café. I looked around then spotted Kaelin. She wasn't in her normal clothes she was wearing a black apron around her waist and a name tag with her name printed boldly.

"Hi welcome to café la dream, I'm Kaelin I'll be your waitress." She didn't look up from the tiny notepad in her small hands.

"Hi Kaelin." She looked up and locked her gaze with mine.

"Harry? Why are you here?" I shrugged.

"Thought I grab a coffee." She chuckled.

"You don't like coffee Haz, now why are our really here?" She said placing her hands on her hips.

"I like coffee." She chuckled.

"Okay then if you like coffee, what would you like?"

"Um.... a carmel latte." She chuckled. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing just, a Carmel Latte is such a girl drink." She giggled once more before walking away.

Moments later she came back with a small red cup which I assumed held my Carmel latte. She placed it down so effortlessly then took a spot in the chair across from me.

I stared into the cup, examining the beige liquids inside. There was a perfect heart formed at the top of the cream inside.

"Are you gunna drink it?" Kaelin asked.

"Yeah just admiring it, Duh." She giggled as the hot liquid reached my cold lips. The soft Carmel taste filled my mouth giving me a quick jitter.

"Is it good?" She asked now fiddling with a strand of hair.

"Hell yeah." I asked taking another drink. "So...you work here?"

"Yeah, it pays good and I needed a job to escape my parents, ya know." I nod placing the drink back down.

"I stopped by your house." She chuckled. "Cambree was there, with Javelin."

"Yeah Cam's been watching her until the divorce is final." Her smile faded.

"I'm sorry." Her smile quickly came back.

"It's fine Harry." She said as a tall blond man approached us.

"Kaelin, you have to work not sit down and socialize with customers!"

"I'm sorry Carlos, bye Harry." She got up to leave. "See you in ten at my break." I chuckled then sipped some more of my coffee.


"Hi Harry." Kaelin said taking her seat. "Sorry about Carlos, he gets kinda stressed at work."

"It's fine." I mumble taking a sip of my fifth Carmel latte.

"Hazza you mite wanna cut down on your coffee intake, your gunna be bouncing off the walls."

"Calm down. Im a man I think I can handle a little coffee." She chuckled shaking her head.

"Well I'm gunna head home, it was nice seeing you again Harold." She stood up.

"Do we need to have a repeat of Tuesday?" She shakes her head. "Here let me walk with you."

"Okay." She smiled blushing a bit.

I grabbed my coat and quickly threw it on the followed Kaelin to the door. The cold winter air sliced my warm skin as we walked out the door. I noticed Kaelin didn't have a coat and she was shivering as we walked.

"Would you like my coat?" I asked already taking it off and placing it around her shoulders."

"Thanks Harry."


We walked slowly up to here house. There was a moving truck out front and her dad was carrying boxes along with several movers. I looked to Kaelin who's face showed extreme pain and sadness, it made my heart break.

"Are you gunna be alright here alone?" I asked as we came up to her front steps.

"I don't wanna be alone." She whispered as he dad pushed past us.

"I'll stay with you." She nodded pulling me into the house.

"Harry, get out were moving." Her dad grumbled. Kaelin ignored him and pulled me to her room.

"I'm sorry Harry." She muttered taking off her shoes.

"It's fine-" I began but she cut me off.

"Not it's not okay! My dad was a complete ass to you and-" She couldn't be strong any longer, so tears fell from her eyes. On instinct I wrapped her into my arms.

"Shhh it's okay." I mumbled into her hair. "Everything's gunna be alright."


Really short I know but I needed to end here cuz I had to go to the doctors to get my ankle checked for the second time today! Ugh! I hate ankles!!

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