Chapter Six

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Takara slowly opened her eyes but she immediately sneezed. She groaned, feeling her headache. She must have gotten a small cold...

"What's wrong?!" Akura-ou asked as he sat up on the bed to study her.

"I think I'm sick," she answered while she sniffed.

"You have the plague?!" He raised his voice.

"What are you talking about? No, it's a small..."

He interrupted. "I'm going into town to get you medicine."

"No, it's not necessary! I just have a small cold!" She snapped but he ran out of the master's room. He can't let his mate get sick... He wouldn't know what to do if she just perishes out of his life.

He hates how worthless her body is. She's human which means when she grows older she will die and he will still be living. He has been living for hundreds and hundreds of years... He's immortal while she is not.

He didn't think about it until he discovered she was sick. There has to be a way to make her immortal...

He has been living for a very long time and he has never met a woman like her. He can't lose her to death...


Takara is lying in bed, wondering where Akura-ou is. She couldn't believe he cares so much for her wellbeing. It's just a cold yet he's worried that she might have the plague? She began to giggle at the demon king. He's so caring but it's not even in his nature to care for another...

He really does surprise her each and every day.

"TAKARA! TAKE THIS!" Akura-ou came in the master's bedroom while forcing her to drink a cup of water with medicine mixed in it. The drink should cure her of her "disease".

"I told you that it was just a cold," she whispered.

Akura-ou felt her forehead and freaked. "You have a fever!"

"Akura-ou, it's not a big deal... All humans get sick from time to time... It's nothing like the plague," she said softly.

Akura-ou grunted. He doesn't care if this "sickness" is deadly or not. He doesn't want his princess to get sick.

"Hey," she whispered.

"What is it?!" He snapped.

Takara hesitated but she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. He cares for her even if she's a little sick. She couldn't be happier. Her parents always made her work with them in the fields even if she's a little sick yet Akura-ou ran into town just to give her medicine...

"Thank you," Takara said.

Akura-ou didn't say anything but he kept feeling her forehead. He wonders why her fever has not gotten down yet. He gave her medicine...

"I'm fine, Akura-ou," she stated in a giggle.

"Well, I'm screwed if you die so!" He snapped.

"I'm not going to die... It's a cold! No one could die from it," she sighed.

"When will you feel well again?" He asked curiously.

"In a couple of days..."


Takara gasped but she immediately scowled. "Hey, I didn't make a big deal about it... You're the one who went into town to get me medicine!"

Akura-ou snorted while she turned to her side to not face him. He's being ridiculous. He was caring a couple of minutes ago and now he is calling her worthless...

"Why did you turn your back on me?!" He clenched his teeth.

Takara didn't say a word. She's annoyed at him... He nudged her and she continues to ignore him.


Akura-ou wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight while she sighed. He's impossible...


It's later in the evening and Akura-ou decided to leave the mansion to invade another village. He took a large army with him and Takara couldn't help but be saddened. He's going to kill innocent people like he did in her village.

She is still in bed and she couldn't stop coughing and sneezing. She needs rest and forget about Akura-ou's killing spree yet it will be hard.

She could never escape him since she knows he could easily find her or maybe, she doesn't want to leave him because he makes her feel special when no one else has.

She felt loved, wanted, and special... It was all thanks to Akura-ou... He spared her life, stuck up for her yesterday in the kimono store, and he worried about her fever... Is he more than just a demon king?


Akura-ou came back in the room with blood from the villagers on his clothing. He immediately woke up Takara to give her pills that he has found in the village for her fever.

She took it and immediately felt better. She thought he had murder on his mind yet he worried for her too.

"Did it work?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah, I feel like my fever has gone down," she whispered.

He felt her forehead and grinned. He finally has his mate back to normal. There was no way he was waiting a couple of days for her to get better.

"Let's take a bath! I need to get this blood off of me," he winked.

Takara sighed but she followed him in the bath to prepare it. They both got in and she frowned when she saw blood mixed in the water. She cleaned him gently while he is relaxing...

"You smell like salt water," Takara commented in a low voice.

"We were by the beach, that's probably why," he answered her.

"I have never been to a beach before."

"Is that so? I should take you to one..." He offered.

"I always wanted to go. I heard the sunset it very nice," she whispered.

"Yeah, it's not bad." He chuckled while pulling her naked body on top of his lap. He's happy she's feeling better and he hopes not to worry about her getting sick again but he still needs to find a way to make her immortal. He doesn't want her to leave him in this worthless world.

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