Dressed up Like a Christmas Tree

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"What color do you want to paint your nails?" Harry asked me as we looked over the colors available.

"It's almost Christmas, so I'm thinking red and green," I answered and picked out the shades I wanted. "You?"

"Something sparkly, maybe gold?" He pointed out the nail polish he's interested in.

"That would look stunning on you, babe." I answered and settled in to let the beautician do her work. I'd never gotten my nails done with a guy before, but it felt so natural with Harry, sitting in his living room listening to some Fleetwood Mac and sipping on mimosas. We had settled in a bit more since returning from Paris last week, and Harry was back to his usual self around me, if not even more affectionate than before. Maybe it was just the Christmas spirit, but I also felt a lot happier and relaxed.

I looked at my nails as they were drying and admired the colors, and frowned.

"What's wrong, you don't like it?" Harry asked.

"No, I love it, they're really nice, but, almost too nice. Compared to even my nicest clothes, this is like wearing diamonds on my nails." I waved them in the light and watched the light glitter off each red and green nail like rubies and emeralds.

He scrunched up his nose and twisted his mouth into an apologetic half-smile. "Not going to lie, your whole wardrobe needs some updating."

"Thanks, we can't all be as stylish as you, Styles," I replied sarcastically. "Besides, I'm unemployed, I can't use my life savings just to buy new clothes."

"Ellie, I don't mind buying you a few new clothes if you want to look nicer when we go out."

"Harry, I couldn't-"

He cut me off. "Ell, this t-shirt cost like $200. Really, I don't mind giving you a couple thousand dollars to go shopping."

"What?? You could get that same shirt for like $15 at any department store," I balked. I reached out to touch it, to see if maybe this shirt had magical healing powers or something.

"Yes, but it's so soft, and doesn't wrinkle," he smiled, and I couldn't tell if he was joking or not, but it sure was soft. "But Ellie, it doesn't matter how you're dressed. You're just meeting my family."

"Just meeting your family? Harry, this is one of the most important moments in our relationship. I feel like you're going to be dressed up like a fucking Christmas tree, and I'll be in like jeans and a hoodie."

"Why would I be dressed as a Christmas tree?" He laughed.

"I meant as dressed up as a Christmas tree, not dressed like a tree. Like, flashy and festive, and what not. You have a unique style, you know."

"I know." He smiled. "But it's just my family, they won't care what you're wearing."

"I'll just get one outfit, okay?"

"Okay, but I insist on paying for it." He took out his wallet and handed me some cash. "I would just give you my card, but they might think you stole it." He teased.

"Why don't you just come with me?" I suggested. I hated taking his money, and it would feel a little less awkward for me if he was there.

"I think people will see us," he answered. "I'd love to, but it's too risky."

"Remember when you and the guys were in costume for SNL and we all had dinner in central park, and no one noticed?"

"Yeah, but..."

"Just wear some normal looking clothes and hat. And put your goddamn hair up. I think that's your most recognizable feature." I reached out to tousle his hair, and tucked a lock behind his ear.

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