Harry Loses his Hair

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For the first time since he started working on his album, I visited Harry at the studio and met his band. It was so different seeing him with them compared to how he was around 1D, maybe because this was Harry's band and he was 'in charge.' He introduced me to all the band members, and a few of them came over for dinner afterwards. He seemed very close to his guitarist, Mitch, and I jokingly wondered if they had bonded over both having long hair.

After they left, Harry sat me on the couch in his living room and said he had something to show me. He put a CD into the stereo and came to sit near me on the couch.

"It's not exactly done, but this is kind of the rough draft of the first song we've completed for the album. It's, uh, it's called 'Kiwi'." He explained and nervously tapped his foot. As the song started playing I was immediately shocked by the difference between this and the few things I'd heard Harry playing over the past few months. However, given his taste in music, I don't really know what I was expecting. I tried to listen to the song without looking at Harry or having any kind of reaction, but it was hard with him sitting right next to me. My head was swarming with thoughts by the time the song came to an end, and I didn't even know where to start.

"What do you think?" He finally asked.

"It's certainly quite catchy," I started, and finally looked up at him and he laughed.

"Thanks. Anything else?" He looked as if it were obvious what I should comment on, and it was, but I was working up to that.

"Kiwi...why kiwi?" I asked.

Harry shrugged and laughed to himself, but didn't say anything.

"I have a couple theories...and I don't like most of them." I eyed him sternly and tried to keep my emotions in check. Harry had given me no reason to believe any of them, but I had to ask.

"Okay, let's hear them." He leaned forward to rest his chin on his clasped hands.

"New Zealand. People from New Zealand are called kiwi's..." I looked up at his face for a reaction, but he kept smiling. "Or, one of those cute birds, the Kiwi bird..."

He laughed, but still didn't comment.

"Did you get a kiwi pregnant?" I couldn't stop from laughing, and he moved closer to sit next to me.

"Yup, you got me, Ell." He wrapped his arm around me. "I had sex with a little green fruit and knocked it up."

I laughed, but didn't feel more at ease. Those lines kept replaying in my head and the implications behind them were making me feel sick.

"Your other ideas?" He asked. "You said you had a couple."

"They're stupid, nevermind." I shook my head and blushed.

"No, I want to hear it. You're like my crash test dummy; you're the first person I've shown the song to, and I want to know what you think. Also, I'm not paying you, so I know I'll get an honest answer." He smiled reassuringly and waited for me to continue.

"Did you get someone pregnant?" I bit my lip to keep from smiling, because as said it I realized how dumb it sounded, but I had to hear it from him.

He smiled and shook his head. "No," he laughed. "You really think I'd write a song about that? And let the whole world know I messed up like that?"

I smiled and shook my head. "No, I guess not. I just had to know. Because, that's kind of how it sounds. And kiwi's are about the size of... well, I don't know how far along a fetus would be the size of a kiwi, but maybe that's when you found out?"

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