Chapter 9

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A week has passed since Micheal's return and despite my plan to give him a taste of his own medicine. I took the coward way out and now avoided him like the plague. That man was too sexy for his own good and he knew it. It was made worst by the fact that he seemed to be taking his own sweet time in getting his own place and Dad didn't seem in any rush for him to leave.


This week had been especially tiring leaving for school early to avoid seeing Micheal. Caden had helped with my plan. His parents still hadn't returned and he was still staying with me. It was nice having my best friend over. It was Friday and I couldn't wait for the day to be over and my weekend to begin though I didn't have anything too special planned.

"You know it's rude to ignore your best friend," Caden voice spoke from across the cafeteria table. It was raining outside so we were having lunch in the cafeteria with most of the school.

"Oh who says I wasn't listening?" I ask smirking over at him.

Caden grinned,"you weren't," otherwise you wouldn't have agreed."

"Agreed? Agree to what?"I ask confused now. The cafeteria was crowded and the buzz of conversation made it more so. All the tables were occupied with groups of friends.

Caden and I was lucky enough to secure a seat in a corner. But I guess the presence of the trash bin deterred all prospective occupants. Not us though.

He smirked at me motioning over my head. I look up, that's when I noticed the girl making her way over to us. She was something akin to the ruler of our school. She was very popular here, a model student, head of the debating society, student council president an all around excellent student. Her parents had alot of money and Francina knew how to wield it to get her way. She always had a smile greeting for those she considered worthy. I've never fallen into that lot but Caden always seems to be on the receiving end of her smiles. Caden was actually quite beautiful so it's not surprising.

"You too are invited Car."

I cringed at her nick name. I never liked persons shortening my name. It was already short enough. Only four letters.

"It's Cara," I inform her shortly.
She ignored me taking a seat beside Caden crowding him even closer to the bin before scrunching her nose at said trash can. See Francina here has been trying for Caden since forever. Seems Caden was a mystery to most of the schools population because he didn't date and they've never heard rumours of him hooking up with anyone. Add to that his good looks and most of the school population had a crush on him.

"Do they ever clean that thing?" Francina ask disgust colouring her voice as she motioned to the bin.

I shrugged, "To what?"

"My party of course. It's going to be epic," she says with an exaggerated bounce and a smile. Francina lived in a neighborhood just as affluent as mine but closer to the city. She turned to Caden crowding him fiddling with the pendant on her beautiful gold necklace that drew attention to the opened top bottoms of her fitted school shirt which could still pass as decent if the top two bottoms weren't undone showcasing her bra, her fire engine red bra with a lacy top. Dios mio! I murmur calling on third year Spanish. Haven't the teachers seen her?

"Umm, Cara won't want to go and .." Caden stumbles over his words uncomfortable by her closeness. But the truth is Caden enjoyed parties and hanging out, the loud music and drinking but hardly does as the guilt wears in afterwards which oft lead to depression because of his fervently Christian parents belief of it being ungodly. I think he deserved the chance to enjoy himself who knew when his parents would return and it would be back to controlling his life again and constantly guilting him into doing their biddings.

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